[Catalyst] Installing
Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class Breaks Catalyst
J. Shirley
jshirley at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 04:42:12 GMT 2009
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Collin Condray <ccondray at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been working on Catalyst project for some time and need a little
> help with a problem I've run into. I was following the instructions in the
> Authentication section of the Catalyst tutorial and trying to implement t=
> hashed password feature. However, when I uncommented the "class DBIx::Cla=
> line in my myapp.conf file, I got the following message in my logs:
> Can't locate Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication/Store/DBIx/Class.pm in @INC
> So I attempted to use CPAN to install
> Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class.
> This completely rendered my site totally unusable. Now I am receiving the
> error:
> Inconsistent hierarchy during C3 merge of class 'myAPP': merging failed on
> parent 'Class::Accessor::Fast' at
> /home/username/local/lib/perl/5.8.4/Class/C3/XS.pm line 56., referer:
> https://www.mysite.com/
> I have been unable to find anything that I've been able to understand on
> the cause of this problem. Has anyone else come across this error message
> and if so, has anyone found a solution to it.
> I'm getting close to launching a site that depends on Catalyst and my need
> is urgent. If I can provide any more information on my problem I'd be hap=
> to supply it.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> Collin Condray
> condray.net
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Chances are you still have Authentication::DBIC::Schema being loaded as a
plugin, if so, take it out. You should be using Catalyst::Authentication::
and -not- Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication modules for this. Only load
Authentication as a plugin (Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication) and nothing
else in the Auth space as a plugin.
If not, or it doesn't fix it, paste your plugins and config into an email
and we can help. Psychic Catalyst support is reserved on a case by case
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