[Catalyst] Tutorial for cache?

Tomas Doran bobtfish at bobtfish.net
Thu Apr 16 07:38:18 GMT 2009

On 16 Apr 2009, at 07:32, Alexander Tamm wrote:

> Tomas Doran wrote:
>> Take a look at Catalyst::Plugin::Cache. The docs are a bit crap  
>> (patches welcome!), but it'll do what you want, and has nice  
>> features to give you curried accessors for things etc..
> Well, that's just it... I've read the docs and tried to configure  
> it, but I never get a cache hit.
> I've tried this:
> in MyApp.pm:
> __PACKAGE__->config(
>                     # other stuff.
>                     'Plugin::Cache' => {
>                               'backend' => {
>                                        store => 'FastMmap',
>                               },
>                      },
>                 );
> ...but the return value of $c->cache->get->($key) is always undef,  
> although I make sure to always $c->cache->set( $key, $value)
> So I'm pretty sure I've missed something.

Are you using version >= 0.07? The config key changed, and you're  
using the new key, which will be ignored if your plugin isn't recent  

Also, I really recommend you switch to memcache, as (1) it had great  
debugging you can just turn on, (2) in the worst case, you can pull  
out wireshark, (3) its cache eviction policies are generally more  
sane and understandable than fastmmap, (4) you can get useful stats  
like the hit rate out of it..


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