[Catalyst] PAR file - can't build it . Prolly documentation is
out of date?
James R. Leu
jleu at mindspring.com
Thu Apr 16 14:41:29 GMT 2009
Hello Tomas and kakimoto,
Please see my response inline..
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 08:46:15AM +0100, Tomas Doran wrote:
> On 16 Apr 2009, at 06:57, kakimoto at tpg.com.au wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I refered to http://catalyst.infogami.com/cookbook/par. I can't seem
>> to
>> find the line,
>> "catalyst_files();".
> I don't know what you're talking about - as that phrase isn't mentioned
> anywhere in that document.
>> How do you guys get your PAR files made?
> We don't. PAR isn't a recommended deployment method these days.
I must have missed the memo about PAR not being recommend. Is there
a discussion thread I can read about it?
Here is a sample of my Makefile.PL
requires 'FCGI';
requires 'Email::Valid';
requires 'YAML';
requires 'Data::Dumper';
requires 'FCGI::ProcManager';
requires 'DateTime::Format::MySQL';
catalyst_ignore('README.*', 'redhat', 'make-rpm');
I had to explicitly add the listed class to get them included in my PAR.
The rest of the required classes were picked up via dependencies.
The ignore list is for the files that I have in my tree tree that I do
not want added to the PAR.
>> I assume that par files will get the new server which I want to
>> install
>> my application to launch CPAN shell to install the extra modules it
>> needs?
> No. This idea of a PAR file is that it contains all the dependencies
> already.
> The recommended solution is to build a local::lib with all your
> dependencies in, and keep this in revision control / ship it with the
> rest of your application.
> Cheers
> t0m
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James R. Leu
jleu at mindspring.com
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