[Catalyst] [ANNOUNCE] Catalyst Runtime 5.80001
Octavian Râsnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 16:16:45 GMT 2009
Congratulations to all for this much awaited version!
I want to report something that might be a packaging bug, or maybe you can
tell me what could be the problem...
This version requires MooseX-MethodAttributes-0.05.tar.gz and I couldn't
install this module under Windows using CPAN.
The cpan command installed it fine, without any errors, but the directory
"MethodAttributes" was not installed and neither the sub-directories and
files under it.
I've downloaded from cpan.org, unarchived it with WinRar but WinRar tried to
unarchive all the files and directories from this package in the same
directory, which doesn't happends with other CPAN modules.
Finally I've unarchived it with 7zip, compiled and it installed fine.
Catalyst-Runtime installed fine under Windows XP.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tomas Doran" <bobtfish at bobtfish.net>
To: "The elegant MVC web framework" <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 11:28 PM
Subject: [Catalyst] [ANNOUNCE] Catalyst Runtime 5.80001
> The Catalyst Core Team is proud to announce that we've just shipped the
> next major release of the Catalyst framework, version 5.8001. This
> release is the result of the helpful contributions of a large number of
> people, comprising documentation, new features, bug fixes and entire
> branches of refactoring, and has taken over twelve months work.
> Specifically this release would not have been possible without the hard
> work put in by Guillermo Roditi and Scott McWhirter for the initial port,
> and Florian Ragwitz on method attributes, as well as their CPAN modules
> to support this. Huge thanks to those guys, and also to everyone
> providing patches for documentation, bug fixes, and new features.
> The major focus of this release is refactoring, and porting to Moose,
> which enables a lot of additional features, and gives you, the user, a
> lot of additional power to use when building your applications, and gives
> the Catalyst team a lot of power for extending the framework. Current
> applications will still run unmodified, but new code and extensions can
> start to fully take advantage of Moose.
> A lot of (previously inadvisable) techniques have become officially
> deprecated, producing warnings, and full documentation is provided in the
> distribution to explain any changes which may affect your applications or
> components. Extensive smoke testing for backwards compatibility has taken
> place as part of the release process, and we're confident that we haven't
> broken anything which wasn't a very bad idea in the first place :)
> The Runtime distributions will be on a CPAN mirror near you before long,
> but until then you have the option of getting them here:
> http://files.perldition.org/Catalyst-Runtime-5.80001.tar.gz
> A further explanation of all the changes can be found in Catalyst::Delta
> (included below).
> Thank you for your attention, and for using our software.
> t0m
> Full delta from 5.71:
> Deprecations:
> Please see Catalyst::Upgrading for a full description of how changes
> in
> the framework may affect your application.
> Below is a brief list of features which have been deprecated in this
> release:
> * ::[MVC]:: style naming scheme has been deprecated and will warn
> NEXT is deprecated for all applications and components, use
> MRO::Compat
> Dispatcher methods which are an implementation detail made private,
> public versions now warn.
> * MyApp->plugin method is deprecated, use Catalyst::Model::Adaptor
> instead.
> * __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors() is supported for backward compatibility
> only, use Moose attributes instead in new code.
> * Use of Catalyst::Base now warns
> New features:
> Dispatcher -
> * Fix forwarding to Catalyst::Action objects.
> * Add the dispatch_type method
> Restarter -
> * The development server restarter has been improved to be compatible
> with
> immutable Moose classes, and also to optionally use
> B::Hooks::OP::Check::StashChange to handle more complex application
> layouts correctly.
> $c->uri_for_action -
> Give a private path to the Catalyst action you want to create a URI
> for.
> Logging -
> Log levels have been made additive.
> Catalyst::Test -
> * Change to use Sub::Exporter.
> * Support mocking multiple virtual hosts
> * New methods like action_ok and action_redirect to write more
> compact
> tests
> Catalyst::Response -
> * New print method which prints @data to the output stream,
> separated
> by $,. This lets you pass the response object to functions that
> want
> to write to an IO::Handle.
> * Added code method as an alias for "$res->status"
> Consequences of the Moose back end:
> * Components are fully compatible with Moose, and all Moose
> features, such as method modifiers, attributes, roles, BUILD
> and
> BUILDARGS methods are fully supported and may be used in
> components and applications.
> * Many reusable extensions which would previously have been
> plugins or base classes are better implemented as Moose
> roles.
> * MooseX::MethodAttributes::Inheritable is used to contain
> action
> attributes. This means that attributes are represented in the
> MOP, and decouples action creation from attributes.
> * There is a reasonable API in Catalyst::Controller for working
> with and registering actions, allowing a controller sub- class
> to
> replace subroutine attributes for action declarations with an
> alternate syntax.
> * Refactored capturing of $app from Catalyst::Controller into
> Catalyst::Component::ApplicationAttribute for easier reuse in
> other components.
> * Your application class is forced to become immutable at the
> end
> of compilation.
> Bug fixes:
> * Don't ignore SIGCHLD while handling requests with the
> development server, so that system() and other ways of
> creating
> child processes work as expected.
> * Fixes for FastCGI when used with IIS 6.0
> * Fix a bug in uri_for which could cause it to generate paths
> with
> multiple slashes in them.
> * Fix a bug in Catalyst::Stats, stopping garbage being inserted
> into the stats if a user calls begin => but no end
> P.S. This release would also not have been possible without the
> relentless list keeping, cat herding, dist smoking and bug fixing done by
> t0m Doran, who is apparently too modest to point it out
> P.P.S. mst made me add that..
> _______________________________________________
> List: Catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
> Listinfo: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catalyst
> Searchable archive:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/catalyst@lists.scsys.co.uk/
> Dev site: http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/
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