[Catalyst] RFC: Sample press release and announcement homepage
Octavian Râsnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 17:23:36 GMT 2009
I think that these announcements about Catalyst 5.8 would have a bigger
effect if those who aren't Moose users already would understand a little
which are the advantages of this new version of this framework.
These announcement is OK, but I think it would be very helpful to also put a
link to another page with some simple examples about how to use Moose in
Catalyst for doing things that were not possible until this version.
Show how to use attributes that couldn't be used without Moose, tell about
other benefits offered by Moose in a Catalyst app, tell about how the speed
of a Catalyst app is affected...
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Napiorkowski" <jjn1056 at yahoo.com>
To: <catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk>
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 6:46 PM
Subject: [Catalyst] RFC: Sample press release and announcement homepage
> Hi,
> I'm seeking feedback on:
> http://dev.catalystframework.org/wiki/releaseannouncements
> And in particular my first swing at something we can use as a press
> release and send to all the usual suspect (Slashdot, Digg, etc):
> http://dev.catalystframework.org/wiki/releaseannouncements/58pressrelease
> I could really use your feedback. This version has some placeholders for
> data I am trying to get but the verbiage is a bit too long I think.
> Anyway, please take a look, keep in mind this is something aimed for
> general release. It's probably still too technical. Thoughts,
> suggestions, abuse welcome.
> When it's done, I am hope we can get lots of people linking to it as far
> and wide as possible. We put a lot of effort into this code and we
> deserve recognition.
> John
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