[Catalyst] Requirements for Catalyst
Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
Wed Feb 25 16:57:52 GMT 2009
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 08:01:55AM -0800, J. Shirley wrote:
> As other people mentioned, you likely have a memory leak or some other
> problem. I have a much larger application than yours, and my memory usage
> doesn't grow.
> Please don't spread FUD saying that Catalyst "literally explodes". It does
> if you poorly write your application and don't check for memory leaks.
Oh good. This reminded me I was looking for a leak a few months back.
It wasn't significant enough to worry about at the time (thanks to our
memory-fat servers).
I was playing with Linux::Smaps and trying to understand why memory
was going up. Again, I never had time to look at it in detail, and it's
probably something obvious or simply just an invalid test. But, my
script is really simple.
What was curious was a considerable large change in memory after the
first request, but memory still increases every request.
$ perl /home/moseley/catalyst_leak.pl
Initial rss is 7488kb
Current rss is 9648kb after 500 requests
Current rss is 9676kb after 1000 requests
Current rss is 9708kb after 1500 requests
Current rss is 9736kb after 2000 requests
Current rss is 9768kb after 2500 requests
Current rss is 9796kb after 3000 requests
Current rss is 9828kb after 3500 requests
Current rss is 9852kb after 4000 requests
Current rss is 9880kb after 4500 requests
Current rss is 9912kb after 5000 requests
Current rss is 9940kb after 5500 requests
Current rss is 9976kb after 6000 requests
Current rss is 10004kb after 6500 requests
Current rss is 10036kb after 7000 requests
Current rss is 10064kb after 7500 requests
Current rss is 10096kb after 8000 requests
Current rss is 10124kb after 8500 requests
Current rss is 10156kb after 9000 requests
Current rss is 10184kb after 9500 requests
Current rss is 10212kb after 10000 requests
$ cat catalyst_leak.pl
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Request::AsCGI;
use Catalyst::Utils;
use Linux::Smaps;
my $smap = Linux::Smaps->new( $$ );
my $r = make_request(); # prime the pump
print $r->content, "\n";
printf "Initial rss is %5dkb\n", $smap->rss;
for my $count ( 1 .. 10_000 ) {
next if $count % 500;
printf( "Current rss is %5dkb after %d requests\n", $smap->rss, $count );
sub make_request {
my $request = Catalyst::Utils::request( '/ping' );
my $cgi = HTTP::Request::AsCGI->new( $request, %ENV )->setup;
return $cgi->restore->response;
package App;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Catalyst;
sub ping : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->res->body( 'ping' );
Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
Sent from my iMutt
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