[Catalyst] XHTML with SVG via Catalyst
pie3142 at comcast.net
pie3142 at comcast.net
Thu Jan 1 01:01:33 GMT 2009
Happy New Year Everyone.
At least temporarily I have recovered from whatever I was doing wrong. And for a while I abandoned the REST.
I have overwritten the method "process" inside the application's TTSite View file by using the code from .../Catalyst/View/TT/XHTML.pm, but with an unconditional setting of 'content-type' to 'application/xhtml+xml'. 'pragmatic_accept' is left unchanged (but it is now defined inside the apps TTSite View file). Thanks to Tomas Doran (2008' Catalyst Advent Calendar Day 13).
Then the remaining thing to modify was in file .../root/lib/config/col -- changing the closing brace at the end from %] to
-%]. Thanks to Mitch Jackson for email of Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:47:24 -0700.
I am sure there are more elegant ways to deal with my issues, but I am rushing to explore the breadth of the problem and solution spaces, even if superficially. I must leave dealing with the depth for later.
-- Mark
-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: pie3142 at comcast.net
> Hi,
> Using Catalyst, TT and REST, I generate a page which contains SVG.
> I am new to Catalyst (and Web Applications development in general), and this is
> only one of the reasons for which I am facing the following problem.
> On one hand, in Firefox and Safari, the page does not display correctly when it
> is generated based on a REST request . Additionally, on the HTML tab, Firebug
> shows certain SVG elements as nested even though they are not (which is visible
> when viewing the Page Source).
> On the other hand, the file containing the generated markup displays correctly
> in Firefox and Safari when opened after saving the generated page source with
> the extension of either .xhtml or .xml. It does not display correctly when
> saved with the extension of .html.
> I tried various settings of <meta content="application/xhtml+xml"/>. I also
> unsuccessfully tried Catalyst::View::TT::XHTML and
> Catalyst::Action::Fixup::XHTML. There must be a flaw in my attempts.
> I hope there exists a short-cut solution to the above.
> Please advise.
> Regards,
> -- Mark
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