[Catalyst] Custom error handling

Tomas Doran bobtfish at bobtfish.net
Fri Jul 3 08:15:12 GMT 2009

On 3 Jul 2009, at 08:33, kakimoto at tpg.com.au wrote:
> I can see that a $c->error () is being called in one of my controllers

You mean you're calling $c->error yourself in your own controller code?

> and the Room->end has been called (thanks to my debugging messages
> above) BUT the $c->error doesn't seem to be detected in the Room->end
> that I have. Instead, i see "nothign done" being printed out.

You haven't shown us the code you're putting stuff into $c->error  
with, therefore it's pretty hard to tell how you're doing it wrong.

Try just putting:

die("An error")

into your controller code, and you should see that captured in $c- 
 >error when it gets to your end action


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