[Catalyst] Catalyst - any good AJAX tutes?
kakimoto at tpg.com.au
kakimoto at tpg.com.au
Tue Mar 10 22:28:50 GMT 2009
hello, David :)
yep I do know that things like FormFu and FormBuilder are good but for
Perl people who maintain existing applications that have not ever
touched these form packages and Catalyst, it seems like a whole new
world . Add the requirement to get a prototype up pretty soon, and the
learnign curve really turns them off.
What I think is needed is a good tute on how to use Form fu in catalyst
for applications that are not so simple (ie not just any basic blog
application). Something closer to the real world.
anyway, thanks for your http://visualjquery.com/ link. Will hop to it!
K. akimoto
Quoting David Morel <dmorel69 at gmail.com>:
> Le 10 mars 09 à 10:11, kakimoto at tpg.com.au a écrit :
> > hello, David,
> > Sounds good.
> > For me, I have done away with html::Formfu, formbuilder and so
> forth
> > because my needs better met with manual old school html.
> >
> > Can you give us some links as a reference to the rest of us?
> Mmmh maybe you should think again, because I found FormFu so
> unobtrusive
> that i could use it without any change with our current design.
> The thing is, of course it's better to use a model and the full
> feature
> set FormFu provides, but if you can't or won't have time to fuly
> grasp
> everything in the docs (i didn't yet) you can still use it in a
> limited
> although powerful way. This has saved me a lot of time already and I
> didn't even scratch the surface of it.
> As far as jQuery goes, i found the documentation located here
> extremely
> easy to browse and useful: http://visualjquery.com/
> D.Morel
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