[Catalyst] Need some help with Authorization setup

kakimoto at tpg.com.au kakimoto at tpg.com.au
Tue May 12 12:17:43 GMT 2009

Quoting Kieren Diment <diment at gmail.com>:

> Try prodding around your code with the debugger.

Yep and done that. I could login without a problem just that the 'roles'
never get populated.
Any ideas to debug?

> The docs are fine, and I think roles support should work out of the 
> box, but use the http credential, as it's easier to get up.

1) Nah, not using http credentials. The requirement/design for my app is
to have user credentials stored in the database tables, users,
user_roles and roles.
2) There's way too many docs available for Authorization and some
vagueness about the effectiveness of the documentation. 
   - headed to the docs for Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles  - it
doesn't describe the module, its purpose and so forth in good depth of
    - There's another reference link in that documentation that points
to http://catalyst.perl.org/calendar/2005/24
     - Headed over there and found that the article is obsolete. Been
told to go to

    - Headed over there and then it says that "The new Authentication
tutorial is now available on CPAN. Please use that instead of the
example below." 

    - Headed over to the Catalyst tute, did whatever's needed there and
yet I still have this issue of the roles not getting into the catalyst
user object.

  1) clearly, there's too many redirections - I hope someone can just
delete the material that's no longer relevant (ie deprecated)
  2) I need some help, guys as the catalyst tute for authorization
doesn't work for me. I am using postgresql database as a backend.

I seem to find that 

> Put the following in Controller::Root:
> sub auto : Private {
>       my ($self, $c) = @_;
>       $c->authenticate;
>   }
> and then have a poke around with TT and with the  debugger to see  
> what's missing or wrong in your setup.

 may i ask how so? 
I'm in Login->index and I could authenticate just fine. I have tried
dumping out the value of $c->user->roles and it's got nothing.


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