[Catalyst] Another thread about porting to CataMoose
Tomas Doran
bobtfish at bobtfish.net
Mon May 18 09:27:46 GMT 2009
J. Shirley wrote:
> While an obvious blunder to make while coding, I wasn't alerted to
> anything and the application started with no warnings and no indication
> that something was wrong. The only thing is that my 'rpx' method no
> longer was dispatchable.
> Oops.
Hmm, I think that this is actually by design:
I'm sure there is a better explanation somewhere, but I can't find it
right now.
> So, I'm pretty far out of my depth for 5.8 but I'd be happy to commit a
> failing test case -- is the proper test case a situation like this, and
> failing if the method doesn't define a dispatchable path or something
> else? I can imagine this is something that could commonly come up and
> bite people who aren't careful (or working with thick controllers)
I don't think there's any great way to get around this which I can think
of right now.
The best solution I could come up with is to make Catalyst::Controller
apply a default attribute trait which warned when (Moose) attributes
were added which overrode methods with (perl) attributes.
If you'd like to commit TODO tests (there is already a Moose specific
controller in the test suite) which test for an appropriate warning
being emitted during app startup, then I'll have a crack at seeing if I
can do something sane enough to be maintainable..
> package MyApp::Controller::Auth;
> use parent 'Catalyst::Controller';
> use Moose;
> has 'rpx' => ( is => 'rw' );
> sub rpx : Chained('/') Args(0) { }
> 1;
Note this pattern works, but is mildly disrecommended going forwards.
There are tests in the test suite that it works in basic cases, but it's
not what people are using - so I wouldn't be confident it will stay
working for non-trivial cases (I have already fixed bugs with doing it
this way round).
My Moose native controllers look like this:
package MyApp::Controller::Auth;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
# Attributes and actions
__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; # Note this returns true, so is good
for the last line
I did scribble _some_ stuff in Catalyst::Manual::ExtendingCatalyst about
this, but if you'd like to add anything (or at least tell us what it's
missing currently), that'd be awesome?
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