[Catalyst] generating and redirecting to pdfs
Jason Galea
lists at eightdegrees.com.au
Tue Oct 20 23:42:18 GMT 2009
Hi Steve,
not sure if you can gleen anything from this but I recently set myself up to
produce PDFs from basic HTML produced by TT.
I created a view that processes a TT template then converts to PDF using
HTML::Doc and shoves it as a string straight to $c->response->body.
I'm pretty happy with the results and ease of use.. (automatically handles
multi page output amoung other things)
package Lecstor7::View::PDF;
use base qw/Catalyst::View/;
use HTML::HTMLDoc;
__PACKAGE__->config->{template_extension} =3D '.tt';
__PACKAGE__->config->{tmp_dir} =3D '/tmp';
__PACKAGE__->config->{page_size} =3D 'a4';
__PACKAGE__->config->{header} =3D ['t', '.', '/'];
__PACKAGE__->config->{footer} =3D ['t', '.', '/'];
sub process {
my ( $self, $c ) =3D @_;
my $template =3D $c->stash->{template}
|| $c->action . $self->config->{template_extension};
unless (defined $template) {
$c->log->debug('No template specified for rendering') if $c->debug;
return 0;
my $output =3D $c->view('TT')->render($c, $template);
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($output, 'Template::Exception')) {
my $error =3D qq/Couldn't render template "$output"/;
return 0;
my $doc =3D HTML::HTMLDoc->new( 'mode' =3D> 'file', 'tmpdir' =3D>
$self->config->{tmp_dir} );
my $pdf =3D $doc->generate_pdf();
unless ( $c->response->content_type ) {
$c->response->content_type('text/pdf; charset=3Dutf-8');
$c->res->header( 'Content-Disposition' =3D>
'attachment;filename=3D'.$c->stash->{pdf_filename} );
return 1;
in my Controller I can then do.. (simplified version of my actual
sub packing_slip : Local{
my ($self, $c) =3D @_;
pdf_filename =3D> 'packingslip.pdf'
$c->forward( $c->view('PDF') );
On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 8:25 AM, Steve Rippl <rippls at woodlandschools.org>wr=
> Hi,
> I'm using TT for my View templates, and I'm experimenting with
> Template::Plugin::Latex for generating pdf reports. Now I'm generating
> pdfs (which is nice!) but not redirecting to them at the end, so I
> suspect I'm using the wrong approach.
> Right now I've added OUTPUT_PATH =3D> 'root/tmp' to lib/WsdSis/View/TT.pm
> and when I hit the /report/test it using the following template (without
> a wrapper)
> [%
> META no_wrapper =3D 1;
> META title =3D 'Latex';
> -%]
> [% USE Latex(output=3D'example.pdf') -%]
> [% FILTER latex %]
> \documentclass[letterpaper]{article}
> \begin{document}
> ...LaTeX document...
> \end{document}
> [% END -%]
> which produces root/tmp/example.pdf but leaves me looking at a blank
> page on the screen. I realize my view is supposed to provide the final
> view and I've redirected that way to the pdf file, is there a quick way
> to redirect to that or do I need a different approach (similar to the
> Catalyst::View::Email::Template example in the book?).
> Any pointers would be much appreciated...
> Thanks,
> Steve
> --
> Steve Rippl
> Technology Director
> Woodland Public Schools
> 360 225 9451 x326
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-- =
Jason Galea
Web Developer
Ph 07 40556926
Mob 04 12345 534
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