[Catalyst] Oddness with Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::DBIC
Ben van Staveren
benvanstaveren at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 15:58:58 GMT 2010
Hi Matt,
> Check your plugin order; this doesn't normally happen because Static::Simple
> bypasses the loading of the session. If you've tried it both before and
> after you load your session plugins, come back to us with the versions of
> all the plugins you're loading and we'll dig further.
Current load order:
use Catalyst qw/-Debug
This makes the "weird" happen. If I move Static::Simple to right after
ConfigLoader, it still happens. Seeing as it happens when things go on
with Session (e.g. Session updating itself for expiry time), it seems
that plugin load order has no effect, unless there's some weirdness
happening with another of those modules.
Like I said though, for me it's not a big deal that this happens, now
that I know what causes it, I'm not worried about this showing up on my
app_server.pl output during development. For production DBIC_TRACE is
forced off and Static::Simple is never loaded :)
Thanks though :D
Ben van Staveren
phone: +62 81 70777529
email: benvanstaveren at gmail.com
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