[Catalyst] Retrieve all users belong to a category and all its sub
lin.support at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 08:37:29 GMT 2010
I have 3 tables, users, user_cat, and cat, table structure and relationship
are setup as follows.
{ data_type =3D> "integer", is_nullable =3D> 0 },
{ data_type =3D> "text", is_nullable =3D> 1 },
{ data_type =3D> "text", is_nullable =3D> 1 },
{ data_type =3D> "text", is_nullable =3D> 1 },
{ data_type =3D> "text", is_nullable =3D> 1 },
{ data_type =3D> "text", is_nullable =3D> 1 },
{ data_type =3D> "integer", is_nullable =3D> 1 },
__PACKAGE__->has_many("usercats", "Example::Schema::Result::UserCat",{
"foreign.user_id" =3D> "self.id" },);
__PACKAGE__->many_to_many(cats =3D> 'usercats', 'cat');
{ data_type =3D> "integer", is_nullable =3D> 0 },
{ data_type =3D> "integer", default_value =3D> 0, is_nullable =3D> 0 },
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("user_id", "cat_id");
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to("user", "Example::Schema::Result::User", { id =3D>
"user_id" },{ join_type =3D> "LEFT" },);
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to("cat", "Example::Schema::Result::Cat", { id =3D>
"cat_id" },{ join_type =3D> "LEFT" },);
{ data_type =3D> "integer", is_nullable =3D> 0 },
{ data_type =3D> "text", is_nullable =3D> 0 },
{ data_type =3D> "integer", is_nullable =3D> 0 },
"foreign.cat_id" =3D> "self.id" },);
__PACKAGE__>many_to_many("allcat", "usercat', "cat");
I am able to retrieve all users in any particular category using "allcat"
many_to_many relationship.
In cat table I have both category and sub category, if a row have parent_id
> 0 then it is sub category.
How can I get all users belong to one category and its sub categories?
Thanks in advance.
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