[Catalyst] Extending Catalyst -- new elements

Tomas Doran bobtfish at bobtfish.net
Fri Jun 18 09:17:37 GMT 2010

On 18 Jun 2010, at 09:58, piotr pogorzelski wrote:
> Hi,
> I prefer instead of
> 	catalyst.pl MyApp
> run
> 	catalyst.pl MyApp::Catalyst
> and keep my model, helpers, or other application
> modules below MyApp::Catalyst, leaving MyApp::Catalyst for
> web interface modules.
> using DBIC::Schema i create it under MyApp::Schema
> later building model in MyApp::Model and importing
> it into Catalyst Model using Catalyst::Model::Adaptor

I entirely agree with this idea, except for the naming scheme. I much  
prefer to name things by what they do, rather than what they are.

E.g. MyApp::Web vs MyApp::Catalyst.
E.g. MyApp::View::HTML vs MyApp::View::TT

The former in both cases tells you what the code is _for_, the latter  
tells you instead what it's implemented with, which isn't (in my  
opinion) as semantically helpful when thinking about your application  


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