[Catalyst] Accessing DB from external model
Mike Raynham
catalyst at mikeraynham.co.uk
Sat Nov 6 17:16:58 GMT 2010
On 05/11/10 16:50, Darren Duncan wrote:
> Mike Raynham wrote:
>> Here, the connection information is moved from MyApp::Model::DB to
>> MyApp::DB, and then Catalyst::Model::Adaptor is used to glue
>> MyApp::Model::DB to MyApp::DB. Is it a good idea? MyApp::Model::DB
>> appears to be part of the Catalyst application, so if I want to access
>> the database from an external model, it makes sense to me to move the
>> connection code outside of the Catalyst application.
> What you want to do is turn all the stuff that mediates access to the
> database into your own shared library formatted kind of like one you
> might find as a CPAN module, say "MyDBLib", and then "use" it in your
> Catalyst application by way of Catalyst::Model::Adaptor.
> For any configuration details that might vary either per application or
> per deployment, make these user-configurable parameters of MyDBLib, with
> then each of your applications would supply arguments to it when
> instantiating a MyDBLib object; in the Catalyst app's case, said
> arguments would be in your Catalyst app config file as is normal for
> MyApp::Model::DB.
> For any configuration details that are unlikely to vary per application
> or per deployment, especially if they are details for which your actual
> code would vary, then put these directly in your MyDBLib code instead.
> Octavian Rasnita wrote:
>> The best idea would be to put the connection information in the
>> application's config file like in the example below. (This example
>> uses a Perl data structure, but you can use any configuration type
>> accepted by Config::Any).
>> 'Model::DB' => {
>> schema_class => 'MyApp::Schema',
>> connect_info => {
>> dsn => 'dbi:Oracle:host=;port=1521;sid=ora8',
>> user => 'user',
>> password => "password",
>> #name_sep => '.',
>> LongReadLen => 100*1024*1024,
>> LongTruncOk => 1,
>> on_connect_call => 'datetime_setup',
>> on_connect_do => [
>> "alter session set NLS_COMP='LINGUISTIC'",
>> "alter session set NLS_SORT='BINARY_AI'",
>> ],
>> },
>> },
>> The model will access the connection information directly if it is
>> defined in the config file, and you can use the data from this config
>> file in any other external program.
>> You can use the module Config::JFDI for using the Catalyst config file
>> easier.
> Now some of this looks wrong to me; a lot of those details should be in
> your MyDBLib code instead of the config file. Your config file should
> instead look more like this:
> 'Model::DB' => {
> schema_class => 'MyApp::Schema',
> connect_info => {
> host => '',
> port => 1521,
> user => 'user',
> password => "password",
> },
> },
> These are more details that a non-programmer user would set.
> The other details should all be in your code instead, because users
> shouldn't have to know and in particular if they are changed your code
> could break. In particular I'm thinking of stuff like "on_connect_call"
> or the fact you are using "dbi:Oracle".
> Where it can get fuzzier is if your application is cross-DBMS portable,
> in which case more info would need to be in the config file, but you'd
> want to abstract it somehow, such as users just naming the DBMS and then
> they are actually picking from a pre-defined profile which has the
> code-specific details. But if the app isn't supposed to be portable, eg
> if it uses Oracle-specific stuff, then don't put dbi:Oracle and NLS* and
> that stuff in your user config file.
> Stuff like LongReadLen might be okay here if and only if changing it
> just tunes performance, like you were setting a chunk-buffer size or
> something, and would have no impact on behavior nor break any code;
> otherwise don't have it here.
> -- Darren Duncan
Thanks for the responses. This is all part of a fairly steep learning
curve for me. I have tried to keep things fairly simple, but I also
wanted to experiment with Moose classes...
My database connection details are very simple, consisting of just the
dsn, user and password. I have placed these, along with the
schema_class, in myapp.conf. I can access these details from both the
Catalyst app, and my external model. To help with that, I have written
two simple singleton classes using Moose:
Finds the MyApp.conf file, loads it using Config::Any, and returns it as
a hash.
Gets the application config from MyApp::Config and uses the Model::DB
parameters to connect to CHHC::Schema, and return a DBIx::Class::Schema
Components in my external model can now just use MyApp::DB to obtain a
connection to the schema. I'm sure that there is plenty of room for
improvement, but so far, it works well and leaves the Catalyst app
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