[Catalyst] Trouble using Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder
Eric Berg
eberg at bergbrains.com
Wed Nov 10 16:06:50 GMT 2010
That is there, but it was added by Catalyst when I created the controller.
I was just starting to look into what that does, but didn't get very far
at this point. Can anyone give me a brief explanation?
On 11/10/10 10:58 AM, Moritz Onken wrote:
> Hi,
> my guess is that you added __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable to your controller
> class GLR::Controller::Payment. Try to remove it and add 1; instead.
> cheers,
> mo
> Am 10.11.2010 um 15:11 schrieb David Schmidt:
>> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Eric Berg<eberg at bergbrains.com> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to get Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder to work, but am running
>>> into some problems. Per the docs, the config should be like this:
>>> use base 'Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder';
>>> But my class is from a brand-new Catalyst install, so it's using extends
>>> like this:
>>> BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
>>> So I changed it to this:
>>> BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder'; }
>>> And now I'm seeing this error:
>>> Couldn't load class (GLR) because: Couldn't instantiate component
>>> "GLR::Controller::Payment", "The 'add_attribute' method cannot be called on
>>> an immutable instance at
>>> /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1/Class/MOP/Class/Immutable/Trait.pm line 32
>>> Can anyone steer me in the right direction to get this working? BTW, I'm a
>>> long-time Perl guy, but this is my first Catalyst app.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Eric
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