[Catalyst] Begginer's question about application structure
Ben van Staveren
benvanstaveren at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 15:13:00 GMT 2010
Personally (and this does mean personally), I'd do it as follows:
Your actual "logic" code (e.g. the whole deal of storing and retrieving
things from the database) should be in a separate set of modules. Call
those the 'backend' stuff. The main module here should be able to
connect to the database on it's own, given the location of a config
file, and it should be able to take an existing configuration and DB
handle from Catalyst;
my $backend = My::Backend->new(config_file => 'foo.cfg');
my $backend = My::Backend->new(config => $c->config, database => $c->model);
(the above isn't quite correct but forgot what I used myself).
Then you can easily wrap that into a Model; and do things like:
The advantage here being that you can also use your backend outside of
Catalyst, so writing a console app becomes trivial at that point.
Sorry for the slightly disjointed reply but doing about 234413 things at
the same time :D
Martin Bendix wrote:
> Hi,
> As a Perl and Catalyst novice, I have recently completed the online Catalyst
> tutorial, and read the Definitive Guide to Catalyst. However, I have a few
> questions about the basic structure of a thin controller, fat model application.
> I'd like to take my learning to the next stage by writing a fully functioning
> application, and the classic CD database seems like a good place to start - it
> will at least be of use to me when it's done.
> Given the following basic criteria, I would be grateful for some high-level
> advice on how best to organise the application:
> * I will be using DBIx::Class to access the database.
> * At first, the initial user interface will be web based.
> * I'd like to structure the application so that I can add additional interfaces
> with relative ease in future (e.g., command line, web services, etc.).
> * I'd like to create test scripts for as many of the modules/application
> functions as possible.
> * The application will provide the ability to create, search, update and delete
> artists, tracks, and CDs.
> I think that my understanding of the following is correct, but I would
> appreciate any advice or pointers:
> My model should be well separated from the controller. Most, if not all of the
> application functionality should be exposed via the model, so that the Catalyst
> controller only needs to make simple calls to the model. To do this, model
> classes should be created in 'lib/myapp', with simple adapters in
> 'lib/myapp/Model', using Catalyst::Model::Adaptor.
> At this point, I am a little less clear on how best to structure my application.
> As my models will be primarily concerned with accessing the database, how much
> database code should go in my model classes, and how much in the
> DBIx::Class::ResultSet classes? For example, should I write a method in my
> DBIx::Class::ResultSet classes that can add new CDs when supplied with title,
> artist and a track list? Or would it be better to put this in my model?
> Data validation could be handled by HTML::FormHandler, but any validation
> performed here won't be of much use if I later provide an alternative interface
> to my application. I assume that I should therefore delegate validation to my
> model as well, so that the same validation methods can be used no matter what
> the interface?
> Are there any good tutorials out there that cover this sort of thing? At the
> moment, I'm more interested in best practices for structuring a Catalyst
> application than in the details of the code itself. Are there any good open
> source Catalyst applications that I can look at to help me with this? I've had
> a look at MojoMojo, but it's a little too complicated for me at the moment.
> Many thanks,
> Martin
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Ben van Staveren
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email: benvanstaveren at gmail.com
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