[Catalyst] RE: Model Testing Problems.
John Karr
brainbuz at brainbuz.org
Mon Aug 15 19:50:14 GMT 2011
# Parent Model
package BoPeep::Model::DBI;
use strict; use warnings;
use DBIx::Simple ;
use parent 'Catalyst::Model::DBI';
__PACKAGE__->config( .. stuff .. );
use Moose ;
has db=>(The following is
is =>'ro',
lazy_build=> 1, );
sub _build_db {
my $self = shift ;
return DBIx::Simple->connect($self->dbh); }
# Method Model
package BoPeep::Model::DBI::Flock;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
extends 'BoPeep::Model::DBI';
sub CountSheep {
my $self = shift ;
my $q = 'SELECT COUNT (*) FROM flock' ;
my $countedsheep = $self->db->query( $q )->list ;
return $countedsheep ; }
## Finally an attempt at a test script looks something like:
use strict; use warnings; use Carp::Always ;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { use_ok 'BoPeep::Model::DBI::Flock' }
use BoPeep::Model::DBI::Flock ;
my $BoPeep = BoPeep::Model::DBI::Flock->new() ||
die "cant make new object"; #also tried connect
ok( $BoPeep, 'Object evaluates as true!' );
is( $BoPeep->model('DBI::Flock')->CountSheep(), 3 , 'CountSheep. There are 3 sheep in BoPeeps flock' ) ;
The use statement(s) are successful. If I comment script after use, it runs.
Looked at Catalyst::Test docs but it doesn't seem relevant here?
The error from trying to create the new instance is something like:
[info] BoPeep powered by Catalyst 5.80033
t/model_BoPeep_Flock.t .. 1/? Can't call method "log" on an undefined value at /.../perl5/.../Catalyst/Model/DBI.pm line 58
Catalyst::Model::DBI::new('BoPeep::Model::DBI::Flock') called at t/model_BoPeep_Flock.t line 13
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