[Catalyst] Catalyst Advent Calendar
Devin Austin
devin.austin at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 19:10:46 GMT 2011
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 10:00 AM, will trillich
<will.trillich at serensoft.com> wrote:
> Coming up with good articles isn't easy! Documentation is the toughest part
> of writing code.
> Myself, I've been mulling, since Nov 3, how to
> make http://search.cpan.org/~mstrout/Catalyst-View-TT-0.37/lib/Catalyst/View/TT.pm#expose_methods resonate
> better with newbies like me, and I haven't come up with anything better than
> what's already there. :( Argh!
> I do appreciate the neat articles that talk about Facebook API's and Google
> API's and other advanced stuff, but those often seem a bit esoteric and
> beyond the daily grind of what we're developing. So it's also good to keep
> the newbies in mind. I think if the advent series could showcase a couple of
> basic articles (maybe even repackaging email threads?) it'd be great!
> Concepts such as:
> - how an insulated, personal perl library, instead of system-wide cpan, is
> better for a Catalyst app,
Hmm. Not sure I quite understand this one, internal dependencies never
seem to be a better architectural decision over external, thoroughly
tested ones. Could you please elaborate?
> - tricks and tips to keep in mind to make migrating a catalyst app from
> system Q to system X easy,
This could be interesting. Do you have tips? I personally don't
migrate much from system to system, but others might find it useful.
> - strengths and weaknesses of and techniques for using revision-management
> such as mercurial or subversion or git to track source code changes...
> - using InstantCRUD or AutoCRUD in various contexts as a debugging tool or
> data-mining aid
There have been one or two a year on this sort of thing, and while I
think it's beneficial, it's almost something that's been overdone. If
there is something groundbreaking in this area, sure, I'm all for it.
I sure wouldn't mind seeing some more new ideas concerning this, but I
think we need to look toward new things that haven't necessarily been
covered yet, even if we're in dire need of articles.
> On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Devin Austin <devin.austin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> It's that time of year again, and as per tradition, we're running a
>> bit behind. If anyone can whip up a few articles to buffer us for the
>> next few days with the Advent article, that would be great. We are
>> also in great need of an opening article.
>> Please contact myself (email, or irc: dhoss on irc.perl.org) or
>> Dimitar (email: mitakaa at gmail.com, irc: dpetrov).
>> Happy holidays!
>> --
>> Devin Austin
>> http://www.dhoss.net
>> 9702906669 - Cell
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> --
> "The more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer because smaller and
> more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of
> being hurt." -- Thomas Merton
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> List: Catalyst at lists.scsys.co.uk
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Devin Austin
9702906669 - Cell
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