[Catalyst] catalyst install fails on View::Component::SubInclude
Andrew Baxter
site at highfellow.org
Wed Jul 18 09:21:13 GMT 2012
I'm trying to set up 'Gitalist' on a server; it uses Catalyst as a
framework, and the install is failing when it tries to install
I've followed the instructions here:
(for installing gitalist in its own subdirectory using cpanm).
The relevant section from ~/.cpanm/build.log is pasted below.
I tried installing it with --prompt, and asking it to force installing
that module, and it does kind of run, but Lynx is reporting bad html,
and Chrome just shows a very bare subset of what the full page should be
like, with some text missing and no layout or colours. The server is
showing a run-time error when I request a page:
[error] Caught exception in engine "Attribute (_writer) does not pass
the type constraint because: Validation failed for
'Catalyst::Engine::Types::Writer' with value undef at writer
Catalyst::Response::_set_writer of attribute _writer (defined at
/home/andy/gitalist/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Response.pm line 21) line 8.
undef) called at /home/andy/gitalist/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Response.pm line 89
called at /home/andy/gitalist/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1901
Catalyst::finalize_headers('Gitalist=HASH(0xbd69078)') called at
/home/andy/gitalist/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Plugin/Unicode/Encoding.pm line 74
called at /home/andy/gitalist/lib/perl5/Catalyst.pm line 1791
Can anyone help with this?
andrew baxter.
>> ~/.cpanm/build.log <<
Building and testing Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude-0.10
cp lib/Catalyst/View/Component/SubInclude/SubRequest.pm
cp lib/Catalyst/View/Component/SubInclude/SSI.pm
cp lib/Catalyst/View/Component/SubInclude/Visit.pm
cp lib/Catalyst/View/Component/SubInclude/ESI.pm
cp lib/Catalyst/View/Component/SubInclude/HTTP.pm
cp lib/Catalyst/View/Component/SubInclude.pm
Manifying blib/man3/Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::SubRequest.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::Visit.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::SSI.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::ESI.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::HTTP.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude.3pm
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
"test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/00-load.t t/01-app.t
# Testing Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude 0.1, Perl 5.010001,
t/00-load.t .. ok
# Failed test at t/01-app.t line 9.
# 'SubInclude test: will include /time_include using
default plugin Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::Visit<br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> | foo = bar |
# <br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> Capture Arg: test| baz =
quux |
# <br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test subinclude using specific plugins:<br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 -->
# <br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> | plugin = Visit |
# <br/>
# <!--esi <esi:include src="/time?plugin=ESI" /> --><br/>
# <!--#include virtual="/time?plugin=SSI" --><br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction (SubRequest):<br/><br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> Capture Arg:
capture_argtest Action Arg: regular_arg
# <br/>
# (using:
# <br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> Action Arg: regular_arg
# <br/>
# (using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val)<br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction (Visit):<br/><br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> Capture Arg:
capture_argtest | query_arg = val | Action Arg: regular_arg
# <br/>
# (using:
# <br/>
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> | query_arg = val |
Action Arg: regular_arg
# <br/>
# (using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val)<br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction (ESI):<br/><br/>
# <!--esi <esi:include
src="/capture_argtest/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val" /> --><br/>
# (using:
# <br/>
# <!--esi <esi:include src="/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val" /> --><br/>
# (using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val)<br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction (SSI):<br/><br/>
# <!--#include virtual="/capture_argtest/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val"
# (using:
# <br/>
# <!--#include virtual="/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val" --><br/>
# (using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg?query_arg=val)<br/>
# <br/><br/><br/>
# Test Args when Chained is not being used:
# Current time is: Wed Jul 18 08:26:09 2012 --> No Chained Args:
regular_arg1, regular_arg2
# <br/>
# (using:
# '
# doesn't match '(?-xism:SubInclude test: will include /time_include
using default plugin Catalyst::View::Component::SubInclude::Visit<br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> \| foo = bar \|\s*
# <br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> Capture Arg: test\| baz = quux \|\s*
# <br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test subinclude using specific plugins:<br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> \| plugin = SubRequest \|\s*
# <br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> \| plugin = Visit \|\s*
# <br/>
# <!--esi <esi:include src="/time\?plugin=ESI" /> --><br/>
# <!--#include virtual="/time\?plugin=SSI" --><br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction \(SubRequest\):<br/><br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> Capture Arg: capture_argtest \|
query_arg = val \| Action Arg: regular_arg\s*
# <br/>
# \(using:
# <br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> \| query_arg = val \| Action Arg:
# <br/>
# \(using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val\)<br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction \(Visit\):<br/><br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> Capture Arg: capture_argtest \|
query_arg = val \| Action Arg: regular_arg\s*
# <br/>
# \(using:
# <br/>
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> \| query_arg = val \| Action Arg:
# <br/>
# \(using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val\)<br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction \(ESI\):<br/><br/>
# <!--esi <esi:include
src="/capture_argtest/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val" /> --><br/>
# \(using:
# <br/>
# <!--esi <esi:include src="/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val" /> --><br/>
# \(using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val\)<br/>
# <br/><br/>
# Test CaptureArgs and Args interaction \(SSI\):<br/><br/>
# <!--#include
virtual="/capture_argtest/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val" --><br/>
# \(using:
# <br/>
# <!--#include virtual="/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val" --><br/>
# \(using: http://localhost/time/regular_arg\?query_arg=val\)<br/>
# <br/><br/><br/>
# Test Args when Chained is not being used:
# Current time is: [\w\s:]+ --> \| query_arg = val \| No Chained Args:
regular_arg1, regular_arg2
# <br/>
# \(using:
# )'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
t/01-app.t ...
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 subtests
Test Summary Report
t/01-app.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 1
Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=2, Tests=7, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.00 sys + 1.54 cusr
0.06 csys = 1.62 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/2 test programs. 1/7 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 1
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