[Catalyst] Using Progressive realms when username and password fields are all different

Gavin Henry gavin.henry at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 21:51:01 GMT 2012

On 28 June 2012 21:50, Tim Anderson <tja824 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Gavin,
> Assuming you are using the Authentication plugin, you can define multiple
> realm objects, each of which allows you to specify the columns to be used
> for username and password.  The documentation is pretty good on this one,
> and it's working well for me.
> http://search.cpan.org/~bobtfish/Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-0.10020/lib/Catalyst/Plugin/Authentication.pm#CONFIGURATION
> Does that help?

Hi Tim,

That's what I already have. I have 3 realms defined and then a
Progressive realm listing them:

            class Progressive
            realms customers_oauth
            realms partners_oauth
            realms admins_oauth
                    type customer
                    type partner
                    type admin
                class Password
                password_type clear
                username_field useralias
                password_field uipass
                class DBIx::Class
                user_model A2BillingDB::CcCard
                class Password
                password_type clear
                username_field login
                password_field passwd
                class DBIx::Class
                user_model A2BillingDB::CcAgent
                class Password
                password_type hashed
                password_hash_type Whirlpool
                username_field login
                password_field pwd_encoded
                class DBIx::Class
                user_model A2BillingDB::CcUiAuthen

So I do:

    # Get the username and password from form
    my $username = $c->request->params->{username};
    my $password = $c->request->params->{password};
    my $signin   = $c->request->params->{signin};

    if ($signin) {

        # If the username and password values were found in form
        if ( $username && $password ) {

            # Attempt to log the user in
            if (
                        username => $username,
                        password => $password

I would expect me passing in username and password like above to then
map that to the config that defines username_field and password_field
but instead I get:

Thu Jun 28 22:50:22 2012] [error] Failed to load user data.  You
passed [password,realm,type,username] to authenticate() but your user
source (A2BillingDB::CcAgent) only has these columns:
  Check your authenticate() call.



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