$c->req->base with mod_proxy_fcgi? ( was: RE: [Catalyst] $C ->
uri_for containing current path in catalyst 5.90010 )
stevep at majestic12.co.uk
stevep at majestic12.co.uk
Fri Mar 9 19:21:08 GMT 2012
Hi David,
Thanks for testing that.
I have retested, using the code you provided in a fresh controller, and the problem persists. We suspect it may have something to do with the deployment rather than just catalyst, however - as this is the first time the application has been deployed on mod_proxy_fcgi I suspect it may be a deployment configuration, rather than core issue.
I notice that $c ->req -> base on 5.90010 returns the full URL requested, rather than just "scheme://domain:port/".
I noticed on the docs page for mod_proxy_fcgi, some references to PATH_INFO - http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy_fcgi.htm - thus re-enforcing my suspicions of a config issue. Given the lack of relevant documentation I could find wrt catalyst with mod_proxy_fcgi we may just slip back to our previous deployment configuration and see if that resolves the issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Schmidt [mailto:davewood at gmx.at]
Sent: 08 March 2012 19:50
To: The elegant MVC web framework
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] $C -> uri_for containing current path in catalyst 5.90010
forgot to include my catalyst version
[info] Foo powered by Catalyst 5.90010
On 8 March 2012 20:49, David Schmidt <davewood at gmx.at> wrote:
> I tested your code
> sub exampleRedirect :Path(/oldPath) Args(0) {
> my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
> my %data = %{ $c->req->params };
> my $url = $c->uri_for( $self->action_for('newSub'), \%data );
> $c->response->redirect( $url , 301 );
> $c->log->debug('########: ' . $url); }
> sub newSub :Path(/this/someOtherPath) Args(0) {}
> [debug] Redirecting to "http://myapp.at:3000/this/someOtherPath?cheese=nice"
> On 8 March 2012 20:05, <stevep at majestic12.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> We were trying to use catalyst 5.90010 to run a webapp, and almost
>> everything is totally lovely, apart from a few redirects.
>> In version 5.90006 it all seems to be working well.
>> The rewrite is along the lines of:
>> sub exampleRedirect :Path( "/oldPath" ) Args(0)
>> {
>> my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
>> my %data = %{ $c -> req -> params };
>> # … actions on %data removed
>> my $url = $c -> uri_for( $c -> controller('This') ->
>> action_for('newSub'), \%data );
>> $c -> response -> redirect( $url , 301 ) ;
>> }
>> sub newSub :Path(“/this/someOtherPath”) Args(0)
>> {
>> …
>> }
>> When the server is called, on 5.90006, for
>> http://somedomain/oldPath?cheese=nice, $url becomes
>> http://somedomain/this/someOtherPath?cheese=nice
>> On 5.9.0010, the same url becomes
>> http://somedomain/oldPath/this/someOtherPath?cheese=nice
>> Obviously checked http headers and output $url above.
>> Can anyone shed some light on this? It’s probably something stupid
>> I’ve done, as I cannot find much in google.
>> Steve
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