[Catalyst] upstart script for Starman-based app?

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Wed May 16 16:13:52 GMT 2012

From: Bill Moseley =

  Subject: Re: [Catalyst] upstart script for Starman-based app?

  On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Octavian Rasnita <orasnita at gmail.com> wro=

    Hi all,

    Does anyone have an upstart script that can be used for automaticly sta=
rting a Cat app using Starman?

    I use Perlbrew and local::lib and I start the app in my own account and=
 not as root and I don't know how to make upstart start the app under my ac=
    Maybe it will be helpful to see an upstart script that works, and try t=
o adapt it.

  I'm curious: why you use both Perlbrew and local::lib vs. installing all =
modules in the Perlbrew Perl lib?


  Hi Bill,

  No special super technical reason. I use Perlbrew because I want to leave=
 the system Perl alone, and I thought that I will use a single Perlbrew and=
 a different local::lib dir for the 2 different apps I made. But finally I =
installed a separate Perlbrew for each of them.


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