[Catalyst] New Catalyst Release on CPAN!

John Napiorkowski jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 12 23:59:09 GMT 2013

Hey All,

Today we released 'SicilianButtercup' the most recent version of Catalyst t=
o CPAN! =A0I've blogged more details over here:


But the quick summary includes UTF8 support out of the box, support for eve=
nt loops and async code (including goodies like Websockets, and all that st=
uff) as well as the usual assortment of documentation fixes and related dep=
endency fixes.

Looking forward to seeing what you all do with the new capabilities and set=
ting the goals for the next dev cycle to enhance what we have and continue =
to add to and improve our shared framework.

Download and review over here:=A0https://metacpan.org/release/Catalyst-Runt=


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