[Catalyst] An MVC logic separation conundrum
Chris Welch
welch.chris at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 11:58:39 GMT 2016
Thank you for the validation - I thought that was the case.
On 9 March 2016 at 22:11, Darren Duncan <darren at darrenduncan.net> wrote:
> The best option is to keep the concerns separated. Models should always
> take their inputs via explicit arguments for a Model-specific API, and they
> should not have any knowledge of or direct access to a Controller. If this
> means you have to bundle up a larger amount of data in the Controller so
> the data passage is clean, so be it, that is the lesser evil. -- Darren
> Duncan
> On 2016-03-09 11:03 AM, Chris Welch wrote:
>> Hi
>> This is more of a general MVC question, but hopefully it's okay to ask in
>> here.
>> I've set up a model to generate data in iCal format (see my previous
>> thread and
>> thanks for the responses on that), but it has thrown up an interesting
>> general
>> logic separation question that I don't know the answer to.
>> By way of an example, I'm generating iCal events for a data table called
>> team_matches (DBIx::Class model name TeamMatch). I was hoping, as would
>> seem to
>> be the cleanest way to do it, to have a result class "helper" method,
>> such that
>> on each match object I could call something like:
>> $match->generate_ical_data,
>> which would generate a hashref of calendar values to be passed through to
>> my
>> MyApp::Model::ICal module that will generate the actual data. The
>> problem with
>> this is that certain properties require access to the Catalyst
>> application: for
>> example, there's a uri property, the value for which will need to be
>> generated
>> by $c->uri_for_action and since this particular application has the
>> ability to
>> be multi-language (via CatalstX::I18N) the description value needs to be
>> generated by $c->maketext.
>> All of this brings up a quandary: there are only two ways around this
>> that I can
>> see:
>> * Pass $c into the $match->generate_ical_data method (which I know is
>> STRONGLY discouraged and very very bad).
>> * Generate the hashref in the controller (which potentially makes for a
>> 'fatter' controller than you ideally want and I'm trying to stick to the
>> ideals
>> here).
>> I'm guessing the preference of the above options should really be the
>> latter
>> (which is what I'm currently doing in the interim), but I am hoping that
>> there's
>> a super-clever way that I've not thought of that someone can tell me I've
>> completely overlooked?
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Chris
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