[Config-loader] [Config Loader] Controlling which files / dirs are merged was updated

Config Loader noreply at google.com
Sat Aug 30 16:26:11 BST 2008

Clinton Gormley updated the page Controlling which files / dirs are merged.=

View the changes below.
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What is merging?
Merging differs from loading in that particular keys can be overriden. For  =

instance, if the current config hash looks like:

$config =3D {

db =3D> {

main =3D> {

username =3D> 'dbuser',
password =3D> 'mypass',
host =3D> 'db1.domain.com'


We could merge in:

$merge =3D {

db =3D> {

main =3D> {

host =3D> 'devdb.domain.com'


To result in:

$config =3D {

db =3D> {

main =3D> {

username =3D> 'dbuser',
password =3D> 'mypass',
host =3D> 'devdb.domain.com'


Before a file is considered for merging, it first has to pass the load_if /=

load_unless checks. (see Controlling which files / dirs are loaded for  =


merge_if / merge_unless / merge_path_if / merge_path_unless are direct  =

counterparts of load_if / load_unless / load_path_if / load_path_unless

merge _if rules will be run before merge _unless . So if merge _if returns  =

true, and merge _unless ALSO returns true, the end result will be DO NOT  =

MERGE ie load/replace instead.

Possible values
The values passed to merge_if* and merge_ unless* can be:

a string -> eq
a regex -> m//
a sub ref -> $_->($name)
a hash ref -> exists $_->{$name}

an array ref, which can contain any of the above

$c =3D Config::Loader->new({
path =3D> '/path/to/conf/tree/',
merge_if =3D> qr/_local/,
merge_unless =3D> qr/_local_test/,

$c =3D Config::Loader->new({
path =3D> '/path/to/conf/tree/',
merge_if_path =3D> qr/_local/,
merge_unless_path =3D> qr/_local_test/,

$c =3D Config::Loader->new({
path =3D> '/path/to/conf/tree/',
merge_if =3D> sub {...},
merge_unless =3D> sub {...},

$c =3D Config::Loader->new({
path =3D> '/path/to/conf/tree/',
merge_if =3D> [ qr/_local/, sub {...}],
merge_unless =3D> [ qr/_local_test/, sub {...}],

$c =3D Config::Loader->new({
path =3D> '/path/to/conf/tree/',
merge_if =3D> [ qr/_local/, sub {...}],
merge_unless =3D> [ qr/_local_test/, sub {...}],

Go to page: Controlling which files / dirs are merged

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