[DBD-SQLite] SQLite 3.6.19 adds foreign keys support

Darren Duncan darren at darrenduncan.net
Thu Oct 15 02:54:53 GMT 2009

As described at http://sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html , today's SQLite 3.6.19 adds 
foreign key support to SQLite, something long awaited by some people.

This version is already in the DBD::SQLite repository, seeming within hours of 
its sqlite.org release, thanks to the quick action of ISHIGAKI.

Given the anticipated high demand for this feature, and to give people more 
testing time, I recommend that another developer release of DBD::SQLite go out 
to CPAN as soon as possible.

The way I see it, the only possible holdup right now is the newly added failing 
test t/rt_50503_fts3.t .

If it is easy enough to fix the bug that exposes, great.  But if not, I suggest 
temporarily making it a TODO test so DBD::SQLite can ship, and then change it 
back to a failing test.

-- Darren Duncan

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