[Dbix-class] Benchmark update: plan DBI vs. RDBMS-OO mappers

John Siracusa siracusa at mindspring.com
Mon Aug 22 18:10:12 CEST 2005

On 8/22/05 3:10 AM, Dan Kubb wrote:
> On 8/11/05 3:13 PM, John Siracusa wrote:
>> I just created a benchmark suite that includes Class::DBI,  
>> Class::DBI::Sweet, and DBIx::Class.  It's part of version 0.65 of  
>> Rose::DB::Object, but you can also use it as a way to compare the  
>> performance of DBIx::Class to the other modules.
> I'd love it if you could include an optimized example using raw SQL  
> queries and DBI.  It would show us pretty much the upper-limit for  
> what can be expected, and give a better frame of reference for the  
> other stats.
> It would be really interesting to see how the different classes  
> compare and how close they come to the ideal.

The updated benchmark suite will be uploaded as part of the next  
release of Rose::DB::Object.  (I can email the new bench.pl script to  
anyone who wants to run it themselves in the meantime.)

The DBI tests could conceivably be slightly faster, but I tried to  
approximate the amount of work done by the RDBMS-OO mappers.  For  
example, all of the mapper modules provide named access to columns,  
so it seemed unfair to fetchrow_arrayref() and then index into the  

OTOH, fetchrow_hashref() is very inefficient.  So what I tried to do  
is what a programmer actually using DBI would probably do.  When  
selecting two columns, I did bind_columns() to two named lexicals.   
When selecting many columns, I did bind_columns() to named hash  
keys.  To simulate "accessors" with DBI, I simply read values from  
the hash.

Anyway, the point is that this isn't a test to see how fast DBI can  
be made to run.  It's a test to see how much slower each RDBMS-OO is  
than the "typical" plain DBI implementation.

Below are the results on my system when I ran this command:

./bench.pl --cmp all --db mysql --iterations 3000 --cpu 10 --skip-intro

The bench.pl usage screen is included at the end of the email, if you  
to see what those options mean.

In case it isn't obvious, the modules are abbreviated like this:

CDBI - Class::DBI
CDBS - Class::DBI::Sweet
DBIC - DBIx::Class
RDBO - Rose::DB::Object



% ./bench.pl --cmp all --db mysql --iterations 3000 --cpu 10 --skip- 

## Benchmark against Class::DBI, Class::DBI::Sweet, DBI, DBIx::Class  
using MySQL

# Simple: insert 1
CDBS  926/s   --  -6% -13% -65% -90%
CDBI  990/s   7%   --  -7% -62% -90%
DBIC 1068/s  15%   8%   -- -59% -89%
RDBO 2609/s 182% 163% 144%   -- -73%
DBI  9677/s 945% 877% 806% 271%   --

# Complex: insert 1
CDBS  906/s   --  -6% -15% -63% -90%
CDBI  962/s   6%   -- -10% -61% -89%
DBIC 1071/s  18%  11%   -- -56% -88%
RDBO 2459/s 171% 156% 130%   -- -73%
DBI  9091/s 903% 845% 748% 270%   --

# Simple: insert 2
        Rate  CDBS  CDBI  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBS  481/s    --   -2%  -39%  -77%  -93%
CDBI  491/s    2%    --  -38%  -77%  -93%
DBIC  787/s   64%   60%    --  -63%  -89%
RDBO 2113/s  339%  330%  168%    --  -70%
DBI  7143/s 1386% 1355%  807%  238%    --

# Complex: insert 2
        Rate  CDBS  CDBI  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBS  563/s    --   -2%  -34%  -74%  -93%
CDBI  577/s    3%    --  -32%  -74%  -93%
DBIC  852/s   51%   48%    --  -61%  -89%
RDBO 2206/s  292%  282%  159%    --  -73%
DBI  8108/s 1341% 1305%  851%  268%    --

# Simple: accessor 1
        Rate  CDBS  CDBI  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBS 1.21/s    --   -1%  -78%  -93%  -97%
CDBI 1.22/s    1%    --  -78%  -93%  -97%
DBIC 5.60/s  364%  358%    --  -69%  -86%
RDBO 18.3/s 1416% 1395%  227%    --  -54%
DBI  39.7/s 3195% 3150%  610%  117%    --

# Complex: accessor 1
        Rate  CDBI  CDBS  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBI 1.21/s    --   -0%  -79%  -93%  -97%
CDBS 1.21/s    0%    --  -79%  -93%  -97%
DBIC 5.67/s  370%  369%    --  -66%  -86%
RDBO 16.6/s 1274% 1272%  192%    --  -59%
DBI  40.5/s 3252% 3246%  613%  144%    --

# Simple: accessor 2
         Rate  CDBS  CDBI  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBS 0.270/s    --   -1%  -80%  -95%  -98%
CDBI 0.272/s    1%    --  -79%  -95%  -98%
DBIC  1.32/s  389%  385%    --  -74%  -92%
RDBO  5.09/s 1785% 1770%  285%    --  -71%
DBI   17.5/s 6365% 6313% 1222%  243%    --

# Complex: accessor 2
         Rate  CDBI  CDBS  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBI 0.272/s    --   -0%  -79%  -92%  -98%
CDBS 0.273/s    0%    --  -79%  -92%  -98%
DBIC  1.32/s  384%  383%    --  -62%  -92%
RDBO  3.45/s 1168% 1164%  162%    --  -80%
DBI   17.4/s 6312% 6295% 1224%  406%    --

# Simple: load 1
CDBS  744/s   --  -4% -37% -62% -87%
DBIC  779/s   5%   -- -34% -60% -86%
CDBI 1181/s  59%  52%   -- -39% -79%
RDBO 1935/s 160% 148%  64%   -- -65%
DBI  5556/s 646% 613% 370% 187%   --

# Simple: load 2
CDBS  530/s   -- -19% -28% -65% -85%
DBIC  655/s  24%   -- -11% -57% -82%
CDBI  739/s  39%  13%   -- -51% -79%
RDBO 1515/s 186% 131% 105%   -- -58%
DBI  3571/s 574% 445% 383% 136%   --

# Complex: load 2
CDBS  375/s   -- -19% -43% -74% -90%
CDBI  465/s  24%   -- -29% -67% -87%
DBIC  655/s  74%  41%   -- -54% -82%
RDBO 1429/s 280% 207% 118%   -- -60%
DBI  3614/s 863% 677% 452% 153%   --

# Simple: load 3
DBIC  320/s   -- -12% -30% -59% -90%
CDBS  363/s  13%   -- -20% -54% -89%
CDBI  456/s  43%  26%   -- -42% -86%
RDBO  785/s 146% 116%  72%   -- -75%
DBI  3158/s 887% 771% 593% 302%   --

# Complex: load 3
CDBS  280/s   -- -12% -15% -63% -91%
DBIC  316/s  13%   --  -4% -58% -89%
CDBI  331/s  18%   5%   -- -56% -89%
RDBO  748/s 168% 136% 126%   -- -75%
DBI  3000/s 973% 848% 807% 301%   --

# Simple: update 1
CDBS  424/s   --  -4% -23% -63% -86%
DBIC  441/s   4%   -- -20% -61% -86%
CDBI  550/s  30%  25%   -- -52% -82%
RDBO 1136/s 168% 158% 106%   -- -63%
DBI  3093/s 630% 602% 462% 172%   --

# Simple: update 2
CDBS  333/s   -- -15% -20% -64% -86%
DBIC  391/s  17%   --  -6% -58% -84%
CDBI  414/s  24%   6%   -- -55% -83%
RDBO  926/s 178% 137% 123%   -- -62%
DBI  2459/s 638% 530% 493% 166%   --

# Complex: update 2
        Rate  CDBS  CDBI  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBS  200/s    --  -12%  -47%  -57%  -92%
CDBI  227/s   14%    --  -40%  -51%  -91%
DBIC  379/s   90%   67%    --  -18%  -85%
RDBO  462/s  131%  103%   22%    --  -81%
DBI  2459/s 1130%  982%  549%  433%    --

# Simple: search 1
      s/iter  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC   4.97    --  -59%  -65%  -83%  -97%
CDBS   2.04  143%    --  -14%  -60%  -92%
CDBI   1.76  182%   16%    --  -53%  -91%
RDBO  0.823  503%  148%  114%    --  -80%
DBI   0.167 2874% 1123%  954%  393%    --

# Simple: search 2
      s/iter  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC   7.82    --  -27%  -35%  -80%  -96%
CDBS   5.67   38%    --  -11%  -73%  -95%
CDBI   5.05   55%   12%    --  -70%  -94%
RDBO   1.54  407%  269%  228%    --  -81%
DBI   0.293 2566% 1836% 1624%  425%    --

# Simple: search with limit and offset
        Rate  DBIC  CDBS  RDBO  DBI
DBIC 72.8/s    --  -33%  -69%  -95%
CDBS  109/s   49%    --  -54%  -93%
RDBO  236/s  225%  117%    --  -84%
DBI  1499/s 1958% 1277%  534%    --

# Complex: search with limit and offset
        Rate  CDBS  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBS 21.1/s    --  -70%  -90%  -99%
DBIC 71.3/s  238%    --  -65%  -95%
RDBO  204/s  870%  187%    --  -86%
DBI  1471/s 6882% 1964%  620%    --

# Complex: search 2
      s/iter   CDBS   CDBI   DBIC   RDBO   DBI
CDBS   25.4     --    -6%   -69%   -93%   -99%
CDBI   23.7     7%     --   -67%   -93%   -99%
DBIC   7.81   225%   204%     --   -78%   -97%
RDBO   1.76  1345%  1252%   345%     --   -86%
DBI   0.247 10162%  9503%  3058%   610%     --

# Simple: search 3
      s/iter  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC   32.8    --  -77%  -81%  -91%  -98%
CDBS   7.56  334%    --  -15%  -62%  -93%
CDBI   6.40  413%   18%    --  -56%  -92%
RDBO   2.84 1056%  166%  125%    --  -81%
DBI   0.531 6088% 1326% 1106%  435%    --

# Complex: search 3
      s/iter  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC   33.3    --  -13%  -21%  -90%  -98%
CDBS   28.9   15%    --   -9%  -89%  -98%
CDBI   26.4   26%   10%    --  -88%  -98%
RDBO   3.28  915%  782%  705%    --  -82%
DBI   0.588 5559% 4817% 4390%  458%    --

# Simple: iterate 1
      s/iter  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC   5.29    --  -56%  -60%  -83%  -98%
CDBS   2.33  127%    --   -9%  -62%  -94%
CDBI   2.12  150%   10%    --  -58%  -94%
RDBO  0.897  490%  160%  136%    --  -85%
DBI   0.132 3924% 1672% 1508%  582%    --

# Complex: iterate 1
      s/iter  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC   5.27    --  -56%  -60%  -82%  -97%
CDBS   2.30  129%    --   -9%  -60%  -94%
CDBI   2.10  151%   10%    --  -56%  -94%
RDBO  0.927  468%  148%  126%    --  -86%
DBI   0.132 3892% 1644% 1491%  602%    --

# Simple: iterate 2
      s/iter  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC   8.19    --  -19%  -25%  -81%  -98%
CDBS   6.64   23%    --   -8%  -76%  -98%
CDBI   6.11   34%    9%    --  -74%  -98%
RDBO   1.57  422%  323%  290%    --  -90%
DBI   0.152 5279% 4263% 3918%  931%    --

# Complex: iterate 2
      s/iter   CDBS   CDBI   DBIC   RDBO   DBI
CDBS   28.8     --    -4%   -71%   -93%   -99%
CDBI   27.6     4%     --   -69%   -93%   -99%
DBIC   8.48   240%   225%     --   -78%   -98%
RDBO   1.90  1420%  1355%   347%     --   -92%
DBI   0.152 18893% 18083%  5489%  1150%     --

# Simple: iterate 3
      s/iter   DBIC   CDBI   CDBS   RDBO   DBI
DBIC   35.3     --   -40%   -75%   -92%   -99%
CDBI   21.1    68%     --   -58%   -86%   -99%
CDBS   8.92   296%   136%     --   -67%   -98%
RDBO   2.91  1115%   625%   207%     --   -94%
DBI   0.177 19866% 11804%  4940%  1543%     --

# Complex: iterate 3
      s/iter   CDBI   DBIC   CDBS   RDBO   DBI
CDBI   44.8     --   -22%   -29%   -93%  -100%
DBIC   34.9    29%     --    -9%   -91%   -99%
CDBS   31.9    41%     9%     --   -90%   -99%
RDBO   3.31  1253%   953%   862%     --   -95%
DBI   0.177 25270% 19638% 17934%  1775%     --

# Simple: delete
        Rate  DBIC  CDBS  CDBI  RDBO  DBI
DBIC  435/s    --  -11%  -38%  -84%  -95%
CDBS  489/s   13%    --  -30%  -82%  -95%
CDBI  701/s   61%   43%    --  -75%  -92%
RDBO 2752/s  533%  462%  293%    --  -70%
DBI  9091/s 1991% 1758% 1197%  230%    --

# Complex: delete
        Rate  CDBS  CDBI  DBIC  RDBO  DBI
CDBS  278/s    --  -17%  -28%  -90%  -97%
CDBI  337/s   21%    --  -12%  -88%  -97%
DBIC  385/s   38%   14%    --  -86%  -96%
RDBO 2752/s  890%  717%  616%    --  -72%
DBI  9677/s 3381% 2774% 2416%  252%    --


% ./bench.pl --help
Usage: bench.pl --help | [--skip-intro] [--cpu-time <num>]
        [--compare-to <modules>] [--database <db>]
        [--time | --compare | --time-and-compare]
        [--simple | --complex | --simple-and-complex]
        [--iterations <num>] [--hi-res-time]

--compare-to | --cmp <modules>

     Benchmark against <modules>, which is a comma-separated list of
     one or more for the following:

         DBI, Class::DBI, Class::DBI::Sweet, DBIx::Class

     The special value "all" can be used to specify all available  

--database <db>

     Use <db> to run benchmarks, where <db> is a one of the following
     database types:

         informix, mysql, pg

--cpu-time <num>

     The minimum amount of CPU time in seconds to spend on benchmarks
     that do not require a predictible number of iterations.  Defaults
     to 5.


     Use high-resolution wall-clock time measurement, if available.

--iterations <num>

     The number of iterations to use for benchmarks that must be run a
     predictible number of times.  The default is 1000.


     Select only one of these flags to specify whether to time, compare,
     or both time and compare each benchmark.  (perldoc Benchmark and
     see the timethese() and cmpthese() functions.)  "Compare" is the


     Select only one of these flags to specify whether to test with
     simple objects (no column inflate/deflate), complex objects,
     or both.  "Simple and complex" is the default.

--help        Show this help screen.
--skip-intro  Skip the introductory message.

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