[Dbix-class] RFC: sub foo :ResultSet(bar) {...}

phaylon phaylon at dunkelheit.at
Sun Apr 16 23:44:47 CEST 2006

Hello everyone,

I worked out a patch that allows it to pass the method name to the
ResultSet attribute. I had/have a need for this because I want(ed) to
define two methods (on for the result set, one for the row) with the
same name in my table class.


  __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/ ResultSetManager Core /);

  sub as_xml {...}
  sub _rs_as_xml : ResultSet(as_xml) {}

  my $rs      = $schema->resultset( 'Class' );
  my $rs_xml  = $rs->as_xml;
  my $row     = $rs->first;
  my $row_xml = $row->as_xml;

Possible patch against -current is attached, comments would be welcome!

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