[Dbix-class] Problems using Oracle under DBIx::Class
Jason Crummack
jason.crummack at easysoft.com
Tue Aug 22 10:12:39 CEST 2006
The problem I have is the uppercasing now causes a table I have (old
legacy system in which I can't change its name) to fail.
Previously turning on the quote_char and specifying the correct case in
the class definition for the table, all worked well. In the short term
would there be a problem putting a small change into columns_info_for in
Oracle.pm to only uppercase the table name if quote_char is not set?
Easysoft Limited
Brandon Black wrote:
> On 8/21/06, *Jason Crummack* <jason.crummack at easysoft.com
> <mailto:jason.crummack at easysoft.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Firstly the current version of Storage/DBI/Oracle.pm won't make
> test on
> either Oracle XE or 10.2, the offending line is in columns_info_for, I
> didn't think $self->next::method needs to pass $self in the
> arguments list?
> Yeah that was a silly error, I've correct that in trunk.
> Secondly at Matt's request I've been looking into providing test cases
> to prove the Oracle layer against case sensitive table names, but
> unfortunately I'm having problems getting past the
> columns_info_for code.
> If the table name is case sensitive (or a reserved word) then the
> uppercase code in columns_info_for (DBI/Oracle.pm) shouldn't be done,
> the table name should be passed to DBD::Oracle as is.
> Probably true. On the flipside, I think its possible that people have
> been getting away in the past with "CREATE TABLE FOOTABLE" in Oracle
> combined with __PACKAGE__->table('footable') in DBIC, and this uc()
> thing was basically a workaround for such sloppiness. It would be
> nice if case-sensitive identifiers were *always* case sensitive, so
> that people would never have the opportunity to make such a mistake.
> The roots of this issue may run deeper into DBD::Oracle or the client
> library (or the general failure of Oracle users to understand the
> exact nature of the Oracle standards for identifier case).
> The other problem I've seen (which is probably a side effect of the
> uppercasing) is that the column_info call can return different
> datasets
> for the same table, the table I used was the artist table
> (t/73oracle.t)
> if column_info runs successfully all column names are returned
> uppercase
> and datatypes match initial creation types but if column_info isn't
> returned and the select * from table where 1 = 0 runs column names are
> returned in lowercase and certain datatype names are changed (number
> becomes decimal).
> I would assume this is a case issue, yes.
> Which drivers use the select * from table where 1=0 code
> intentionally,
> or is it simply a catch all for failing column_info calls?
> It is a catch-all for when colum_info doesn't work (even if it seems
> to work but then returns zero rows of information).
> In general, I'd say ignore columns_info_for issues for now, unless its
> really breaking something and the fix is obvious and easy. If things
> go as they seem they will with the -current branch, in the upcoming
> DBIC 0.08xxx series, it will not be used by default (you'll have to
> ask for it specifically) and will be marked deprecated, and it will
> eventually completely go away by 1.0. The functionality will be
> subsumed into DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader, which is a more appropriate
> place for the kind of heuristic automagic hackery that is
> columns_info_for().
> -- Brandon
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