[Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?

Mike Friedman friedo at friedo.com
Sun Nov 26 21:31:20 GMT 2006

On 11/26/06, Ash Berlin <ash at cpan.org> wrote:

> InflateColumn is for going to/from an object for a given column. I.e.
> turn datetime column into a DateTime object on read, and from DateTime
> object to datetime column (str value) on write.

Ah, OK. That makes sense.

However for blobs I was under the impression that it would Just Work.
> i.e. you'd get a scalar value with your data in.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get it to Just Work; passing a reference to
a blob column mutator just causes the stringification to be stored in the
column. But after looking at the docs for InflateColumn, I was able to get
this to work:

use Storable qw(freeze thaw);

    myblobcol =3D> {
        inflate   =3D> sub { thaw( shift ) },
        deflate   =3D> sub { freeze( shift ) }

Most excellent!


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