November 2006 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Nov 1 01:16:53 GMT 2006
Ending: Thu Nov 30 10:07:13 GMT 2006
Messages: 277
- [Dbix-class] "group" as a column name
Mike Friedman
- [Dbix-class] "group" as a column name
Bogdan Lucaciu
- [Dbix-class] "group" as a column name
Bogdan Lucaciu
- [Dbix-class] "group" as a column name
Mike Friedman
- [Dbix-class] [ANNOUNCE] DBIx-Class-0.07003
Brian Cassidy
- [Dbix-class] __PACKAGE__->add_columns and ->sequence interaction
Adam Sjøgren
- [Dbix-class] ANNOUNCE: Datetime::Format::Oracle
Nathan Gray
- [Dbix-class] ANNOUNCE: Datetime::Format::Oracle
Hartmaier Alexander
- [Dbix-class] ANNOUNCE: Datetime::Format::Oracle
Nathan Gray
- [Dbix-class] ANNOUNCE: Datetime::Format::Oracle
Nathan Gray
- [Dbix-class] Autoincrement and triggers
Nathan Gray
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked in
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked in
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked in
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked in
Jon Warbrick
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked in
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Branch for supporting column attributes checked in
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Can't get last insert id ?!
Ivan.Georgiev at
- [Dbix-class] Can't get last insert id ?!
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Can't get last insert id ?!
Ivan.Georgiev at
- [Dbix-class] Can't get last insert id ?!
Pedro Melo
- [Dbix-class] cant delete resultset
- [Dbix-class] cant delete resultset
Aran Deltac
- [Dbix-class] cant delete resultset
- [Dbix-class] cant delete resultset
Lee Standen
- [Dbix-class] cant delete resultset
- [Dbix-class] Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Zbigniew Lukasiak
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Dave Howorth
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Aran Deltac
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Zbigniew Lukasiak
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
Jules Bean
- [Dbix-class] Column Metadata
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Combining link tables
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Combining link tables
Will Hawes
- [Dbix-class] Currency Columns
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Currency Columns
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] DBIC prefetch bug (test case)
Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class bug
Victor Igumnov
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class bug
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 0.03009 is out
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::Tree::NestedSet -- looking for
a collaborator. Ned?
Brian Kirkbride
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::Tree::NestedSet -- looking for a
collaborator. Ned?
Roman Filippov
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::Tree::NestedSet -- looking for a
collaborator. Ned?
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::Tree::NestedSet -- looking for a
collaborator. Ned?
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::Tree::NestedSet -- looking for a
collaborator. Ned?
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] Do we need value bind parameter attributes for deletes
and select?
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Doc patch for Relationship - many to many
Ted Carnahan
- [Dbix-class] Doc patch for Relationship - many to many
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Daniel Westermann-Clark
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Lee Standen
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Carl Franks
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Enumerated type
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Error in DBIx::Class::Manual::Cookbook
Jon Warbrick
- [Dbix-class] Failure in tests when using Taint mode
Guillermo Roditi
- [Dbix-class] Found it: How do I set disable_sth_caching?
Louis Erickson
- [Dbix-class] Found it: How do I set disable_sth_caching?
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Found it: How do I set disable_sth_caching?
Louis Erickson
- [Dbix-class] Found it: How do I set disable_sth_caching?
Hermida, Leandro
- [Dbix-class] Found it: How do I set disable_sth_caching?
Tim Bunce
- [Dbix-class] FYI: some QDRDBMS code now available
Darren Duncan
- [Dbix-class] FYI: some QDRDBMS code now available
- [Dbix-class] FYI: some QDRDBMS code now available
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] History/revision/diff strategy
- [Dbix-class] History/revision/diff strategy
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] How do I determine whether a column name is valid?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] How do I determine whether a column name is valid?
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] How do I determine whether a column name is valid?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] How do I determine whether a column name is valid?
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] How do I determine whether a column name is valid?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] How do I set disable_sth_caching?
Louis Erickson
- [Dbix-class] How do I set disable_sth_caching?
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
Devin Austin
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
Lee Standen
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
Devin Austin
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
Lee Standen
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
Devin Austin
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Issues with using the as=>[...] parameter
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Anthony Hinsinger
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Anthony Hinsinger
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Anthony Hinsinger
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Stephan Szabo
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] Kewl: C::A::G
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Kewl: C::A::G
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Kewl: C::A::G
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Kewl: C::A::G
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Kewl: C::A::G
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Kewl: C::A::G
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Kewl: C::A::G
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Looking for the DBIC way.
Mike Earley
- [Dbix-class] Looking for the DBIC way.
Daniel Westermann-Clark
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Hartmaier Alexander
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Michele Beltrame
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Michele Beltrame
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek
- [Dbix-class] new name for "as"
Bill Moseley
- [Dbix-class] newbie user problem
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] newbie user problem
Hermida, Leandro
- [Dbix-class] newbie user problem
Hermida, Leandro
- [Dbix-class] Newcomer questions ?
Nigel Metheringham
- [Dbix-class] Newcomer questions ?
Ivan.Georgiev at
- [Dbix-class] Newcomer questions ?
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] NoBindVars patch
Alan Humphrey
- [Dbix-class] NoBindVars patch
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Occasional problems with multilevel
has_many prefetches
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Occasional problems with multilevel has_many
Nigel Metheringham
- [Dbix-class] Occasional problems with multilevel has_many
Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior
- [Dbix-class] Occasional problems with multilevel has_many
Nigel Metheringham
- [Dbix-class] Occasional problems with multilevel has_many prefetches
Nigel Metheringham
- [Dbix-class] occassional query failure
Maurice Height
- [Dbix-class] patch
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] patch
Brian Kirkbride
- [Dbix-class] patch
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] patch
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] patch
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] patch
Brian Kirkbride
- [Dbix-class] patch: DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator
Hartmaier Alexander
- [Dbix-class] Patch: inflate_column
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] Patch: inflate_column
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Patch: inflate_column
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] ping Roman Filippov
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] ping whoever was working on Class::C3::Componentized
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Please test a new Alg::C3
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Please test a new Alg::C3
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Please test a new Alg::C3
Hartmaier Alexander
- [Dbix-class] POE::Component::DBD::MySQL
Tavin Cole
- [Dbix-class] POE::Component::DBD::MySQL
Tim Bunce
- [Dbix-class] POE::Component::DBD::MySQL
Tavin Cole
- [Dbix-class] POE::Component::DBD::MySQL
Tavin Cole
- [Dbix-class] Postgresql and binary data support
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Postgresql and binary data support
Nathan Gray
- [Dbix-class] Postgresql and binary data support
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Postgresql and binary data support
Nathan Gray
- [Dbix-class] Problem prefetching more than one relation
Jon Warbrick
- [Dbix-class] Problem prefetching more than one relation
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Problem prefetching more than one relation
Jon Warbrick
- [Dbix-class] Problem prefetching more than one relation
Jules Bean
- [Dbix-class] Problem prefetching more than one relation
Jon Warbrick
- [Dbix-class] Pseudo columns
Paul Makepeace
- [Dbix-class] question about InflateColumn::DateTime
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] question about InflateColumn::DateTime
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] question about InflateColumn::DateTime
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] question about InflateColumn::DateTime
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] question about InflateColumn::DateTime
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] question about InflateColumn::DateTime
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Re: __PACKAGE__->add_columns and ->sequence interaction
Adam Sjøgren
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Len Jaffe
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Richard Jolly
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Len Jaffe
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Carl Franks
- [Dbix-class] Re: Catching DBI errors, without eval?
Len Jaffe
- [Dbix-class] Re: DBIx::Class and savepoints
Brandon Black
- [Dbix-class] Re: JOIN question
A. Pagaltzis
- [Dbix-class] Re: JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] Re: JOIN question
A. Pagaltzis
- [Dbix-class] Re: JOIN question
Bernhard Graf
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
A. Pagaltzis
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Devin Austin
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Steven Mackenzie
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Steven Mackenzie
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Steven Mackenzie
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Re: new name for "as"
A. Pagaltzis
- [Dbix-class] Re: Postgresql and binary data support
A. Pagaltzis
- [Dbix-class] Re: Postgresql and binary data support
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Re: RFC: Restrict deflation to blessed objects only?
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Re: RFC: Restrict deflation to blessed objects only?
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Re: Tests, var, and me. :-)
A. Pagaltzis
- [Dbix-class] Relationship condition problem.
Anthony Hinsinger
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Yuval Kogman
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Randal L. Schwartz
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Yuval Kogman
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Dave Howorth
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Len Jaffe
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Yuval Kogman
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Yuval Kogman
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Len Jaffe
- [Dbix-class] Relationship issues
Zbigniew Lukasiak
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Relationship problems
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Relationship to serve internationalization
- [Dbix-class] Relationship to serve internationalization
Michele Beltrame
- [Dbix-class] Relationship to serve internationalization
- [Dbix-class] Relationships across different databases
- [Dbix-class] Relationships across different databases
Darren Duncan
- [Dbix-class] Relationships across different databases
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Relationships spanning multiple databases
Sam Crawley
- [Dbix-class] Relationships spanning multiple databases
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Relationships spanning multiple databases
Sam Crawley
- [Dbix-class] Relationships spanning multiple databases
Mike Friedman
- [Dbix-class] Reminder: SVN checkouts *must* be from, not catalyframework
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Schema::Loader Fix
victori at
- [Dbix-class] Setting additional attributes in bind_param
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Setting additional attributes in bind_param
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Setting additional attributes in bind_param
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Setting additional attributes in bind_param
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Setting additional attributes in bind_param
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Setting additional attributes in bind_param
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Mike Friedman
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Ash Berlin
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Mike Friedman
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Mike Friedman
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Mike Friedman
- [Dbix-class] Storable freeze/thaw on a column?
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] trouble with relationships
Devin Austin
- [Dbix-class] trouble with relationships
Lee Standen
- [Dbix-class] trouble with relationships
Devin Austin
- [Dbix-class] trouble with relationships
Zbigniew Lukasiak
- [Dbix-class] trouble with relationships
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] undef vs. {}
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] undef vs. {}
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] undef vs. {}
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] unqouting ?
Ivan.Georgiev at
- [Dbix-class] unqouting ?
Lee Standen
- [Dbix-class] unqouting ?
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] unqouting ?
Ivan.Georgiev at
- [Dbix-class] unqouting ?
Ash Berlin
- [Dbix-class] Web development platform contest and Perl
Alvar Freude
Last message date:
Thu Nov 30 10:07:13 GMT 2006
Archived on: Thu Nov 30 10:07:34 GMT 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).