[Dbix-class] Apache::DBI
Jason Galea
lists at eightdegrees.com.au
Thu Sep 7 15:54:05 CEST 2006
Thanks for the confirmation Brandon.
Brandon Black wrote:
> On 9/5/06, *Jason Galea* <lists at eightdegrees.com.au
> <mailto:lists at eightdegrees.com.au>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> just wondering what specific issues there are with using DBIx::Class on
> a mod_perl server which has Apache::DBI loaded. I have a server running
> a site on Class::DBI, Apache::DBI etc and have added another
> system/site
> which uses DBIx::Class. All appears to be ok although the new site
> hasn't gone live yet.. Is there anything I can do to avoid issues or are
> there only issues under specific circumstances?
> Generally speaking, DBIx::Class does not need or want Apache::DBI. The
> things that Apache::DBI tries to accomplish, DBIx::Class does for itself
> 10 times better. Apache::DBI used to actually break things for us, but
> now for quite a while we've had some explicit code in the DBIx::Class
> storage layer which temporarily disables Apache::DBI when we're issuing
> our ->connect statements to make DBIx::Class work safely with it. (You
> can see this in "sub _connect" in the storage driver source at
> http://search.cpan.org/src/JROBINSON/DBIx-Class-0.07001/lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/DBI.pm
> ).
> -- Brandon
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