[Dbix-class] DBIx HTML forms

Nate Wiger nwiger at scea.com
Sat Sep 9 01:38:54 CEST 2006

Robert Dobbs wrote:
> I understand Nate Wiger recently released a Catalyst Plugin for his 
> FormBuilder, too.  I don't know that much about Catalyst yet but they 
> might be compatible in some way, or that would be nice work to do.

There were a couple bugfixes to both FormBuilder and the Catalyst plugin 
to get everything working nicely, but the latest versions on CPAN are 
working well for quite a few people on the FB users mailing list (in 
addition to using it myself). Make sure you have FB 3.0401 and the 
plugin 1.05.

As for feeding DBIC directly into FB w/o Catalyst, all you really need 
is to use get_columns and pass this list into FB->new. A simple form 
will be created automatically.


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