[Dbix-class] Changing inner join to left join while defining $rs
Radoslaw Zielinski
radek at eo.pl
Thu Jan 25 16:03:48 GMT 2007
Example case (pseudo-code):
CD->might_have('pair' => 'CD' => 'other_cd_id');
Artist->has_many('cds' => 'CD' => 'artist_id');
Now, one might want to:
$db->resultset('CD')->search( {}, { join => [ 'artist', { pair => 'artist' } ] } );
...which should generate:
select * from cd
join artist on artist.id=cd.id
left join cd cd2 on cd.id=cd2.other_cd_id
left join artist a2 on a2.id=cd2.artist_id;
...but currently the last join is not LEFT. Test case attached.
Radosław Zieliński <radoslaw.zielinski at eo.pl>
eo Networks
-------------- next part --------------
=== t/60core.t
--- t/60core.t (revision 8265)
+++ t/60core.t (local)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1);
my %cols = $cd->get_columns;
-cmp_ok(keys %cols, '==', 4, 'get_columns number of columns ok');
+cmp_ok(keys %cols, '==', 5, 'get_columns number of columns ok');
is($cols{title}, 'Spoonful of bees', 'get_columns values ok');
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
# check whether ResultSource->columns returns columns in order originally supplied
my @cd = $schema->source("CD")->columns;
-is_deeply( \@cd, [qw/cdid artist title year/], 'column order');
+is_deeply( \@cd, [qw/cdid artist title year other_cd_id/], 'column order');
$cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({ title => 'Spoonful of bees' }, { columns => ['title'] })->next;
is($cd->title, 'Spoonful of bees', 'subset of columns returned correctly');
@@ -286,9 +286,9 @@
# test remove_columns
- is_deeply([$schema->source('CD')->columns], [qw/cdid artist title year/]);
+ is_deeply([$schema->source('CD')->columns], [qw/cdid artist title year other_cd_id/]);
- is_deeply([$schema->source('CD')->columns], [qw/cdid artist title/]);
+ is_deeply([$schema->source('CD')->columns], [qw/cdid artist title other_cd_id/]);
ok(! exists $schema->source('CD')->_columns->{'year'}, 'year still exists in _columns');
=== t/66relationship.t
--- t/66relationship.t (revision 8265)
+++ t/66relationship.t (local)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
-plan tests => 56;
+plan tests => 57;
# has_a test
my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(4);
@@ -224,3 +224,6 @@
cmp_ok($artist->cds->count, '==', 0, "Correct new #cds for artist");
cmp_ok($nartist->cds->count, '==', 2, "Correct new #cds for artist");
+my $related_cds = $schema->resultset( 'CD' )->search_rs( {}, { 'join' => [ 'artist', { pair => 'artist' } ] } );
+cmp_ok( $related_cds->count, '==', 1, 'Correct related cds' );
=== t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm
--- t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm (revision 8265)
+++ t/lib/DBICTest/Schema/CD.pm (local)
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
data_type => 'varchar',
size => 100,
+ 'other_cd_id' => {
+ data_type => 'integer',
+ is_auto_increment => 0,
+ },
__PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint([ qw/artist title/ ]);
@@ -45,4 +49,6 @@
{ order_by => 'producer.name' },
+__PACKAGE__->might_have( pair => 'DBICTest::Schema::CD' => 'other_cd_id' );
=== t/lib/DBICTest.pm
--- t/lib/DBICTest.pm (revision 8265)
+++ t/lib/DBICTest.pm (local)
@@ -112,12 +112,12 @@
$schema->populate('CD', [
- [ qw/cdid artist title year/ ],
- [ 1, 1, "Spoonful of bees", 1999 ],
- [ 2, 1, "Forkful of bees", 2001 ],
- [ 3, 1, "Caterwaulin' Blues", 1997 ],
- [ 4, 2, "Generic Manufactured Singles", 2001 ],
- [ 5, 3, "Come Be Depressed With Us", 1998 ],
+ [ qw/cdid artist title year other_cd_id/ ],
+ [ 1, 1, "Spoonful of bees", 1999, undef ],
+ [ 2, 1, "Forkful of bees", 2001, 1 ],
+ [ 3, 1, "Caterwaulin' Blues", 1997, undef ],
+ [ 4, 2, "Generic Manufactured Singles", 2001, undef ],
+ [ 5, 3, "Come Be Depressed With Us", 1998, undef ],
$schema->populate('LinerNotes', [
=== t/lib/sqlite.sql
--- t/lib/sqlite.sql (revision 8265)
+++ t/lib/sqlite.sql (local)
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@
artist integer NOT NULL,
title varchar(100) NOT NULL,
- year varchar(100) NOT NULL
+ year varchar(100) NOT NULL,
+ other_cd_id integer
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