January 2007 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Jan 1 16:52:46 GMT 2007
Ending: Wed Jan 31 21:43:53 GMT 2007
Messages: 262
- [Dbix-class] how to avoid "select =>... as => ..." syntax with
simple but long queries e.g. M fields from N tables with
decodes and sql-date operations
Bogdan Lucaciu
- [Dbix-class] Re: how to use a complex query in DBIx::Class
A. Pagaltzis
- [Dbix-class] param_bind branch
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] pg-bytea branch - obsoleted by param_bind?
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] pg-bytea branch - obsoleted by param_bind?
Jesper Krogh
- [Dbix-class] pg-bytea branch - obsoleted by param_bind?
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Re: how to use a complex query in DBIx::Class
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] Re: how to use a complex query in DBIx::Class
Matt LeBlanc
- [Dbix-class] Re: how to use a complex query in DBIx::Class
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] How do I use the value of a field in a where clause
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] unnaccounted branches: ensure_source_loaded,
ordered_handle_updates, privileges, replication
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] unnaccounted branches: ensure_source_loaded,
ordered_handle_updates, privileges, replication
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] unnaccounted branches: ensure_source_loaded,
ordered_handle_updates, privileges, replication
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] unnaccounted branches: ensure_source_loaded,
ordered_handle_updates, privileges, replication
Neil de Carteret
- [Dbix-class] unnaccounted branches: ensure_source_loaded,
ordered_handle_updates, privileges, replication
Matt S Trout
- [Dbix-class] [OT] SVK [Was: Re: unnaccounted branches: ...]
Chisel Wright
- [Dbix-class] Oracle 8 w/DBIx::Class
Justin W
- [Dbix-class] unnaccounted branches: ensure_source_loaded,
ordered_handle_updates, privileges, replication
Brian Kirkbride
- [Dbix-class] Getting a database handle
Ivan Wills
- [Dbix-class] adding methods to result class
Daniel McBrearty
- [Dbix-class] join and where
Patrik Wallstrom
- [Dbix-class] [DBIx::Class] using count/distinct
Daniel McBrearty
- [Dbix-class] Unexpected ORDER BY in query
Ben Staude
- [Dbix-class] using functions
Octavian Rasnita
- [Dbix-class] Schema Loader reload Problem
- [Dbix-class] Re: Schema Loader problem
- [Dbix-class] ResultSet->search + prefetch
Ryan VanderBijl
- [Dbix-class] Memory usage, something hanging on?
Adam Sjøgren
- [Dbix-class] adding conditions
Octavian Rasnita
- [Dbix-class] Announce DBIx::Class 0.07004
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] many_to_many and polymorphism
Jason Gottshall
- [Dbix-class] Re: Schema Loader Problem ( or is it in the restarter
code ????)
- [Dbix-class] inserting more records
Octavian Rasnita
- [Dbix-class] RFC: DBIx::Class::TypedView (or Is this CPAN worthy?)
Mark Hedges
- [Dbix-class] multiple placeholders for the same column
John Napiorkowski
- [Dbix-class] Encapsulate multiple steps for insertion
- [Dbix-class] Encapsulate multiple steps for insertion
Tobias Kremer
- [Dbix-class] Oracle 9, distinct and rows/limit
Sam Crawley
- [Dbix-class] multi-column primary foreign key
Joss Shaw
- [Dbix-class] DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime for DB2
Takashi Karino
- [Dbix-class] Oracle 8 w/DBIx::Class
Igor Longagnani
- [Dbix-class] info Oracle: executing sql code for sequences or lock
Igor Longagnani
- [Dbix-class] Re: multi-column primary foreign key
Joss Shaw
- [Dbix-class] mysql date_sub function in DBIx catalyst call
daniel at caret.cam.ac.uk
- [Dbix-class] RFC: host for new m-l for a DBMS module
Darren Duncan
- [Dbix-class] doing a search
Octavian Rasnita
- [Dbix-class] bad relation name
Octavian Rasnita
- [Dbix-class] insert
Octavian Rasnita
- [Dbix-class] ANNOUNCE: first email forums for QDRDBMS are active
Darren Duncan
- [Dbix-class] how to execute stored procedures in DBIx::Class
Dan Dascalescu
- [Dbix-class] plat-form contest starting soon
Rolf Schaufelberger
- [Dbix-class] Runtime database name and table name changes + Catalyst
James R. Leu
- FW: [Dbix-class] Runtime database name and table name changes +
Peter Edwards
- [Dbix-class] Unrequested insertion
Xavier Robin
- [Dbix-class] transactions, etc.
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] Re: Chained searches and pager usage
Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior
- [Dbix-class] memcached
Jim Spath
- [Dbix-class] Re: Help with Titanic Number of Inserts
leif.eriksen at hpa.com.au
- [Dbix-class] Changing inner join to left join while defining $rs
Radoslaw Zielinski
- [Dbix-class] Announce: DBIx-Class-0.07999_02
Jess Robinson
- [Dbix-class] Transactions and AutoCommit
Josef Karthauser
- [Dbix-class] accessing columns in multi-step prefetches
Peter Edwards
- [Dbix-class] Thought Collecting: DBix::Class::Tester
Christopher H. Laco
- [Dbix-class] howto define an aggregating function
Mario Minati
- [Dbix-class] Field types and Sybase
Jonathan Batchelor
- [Dbix-class] Listing of many_to_many relations (ResultSet
Zbigniew Lukasiak
- [Dbix-class] SQL::Translator 0.08 Unique/Index clash problem
- [Dbix-class] Can't locate object method "new" via package
Thomas Klausner
- [Dbix-class] Determining the database version...
Josef Karthauser
Last message date:
Wed Jan 31 21:43:53 GMT 2007
Archived on: Wed Jan 31 21:44:01 GMT 2007
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