[Dbix-class] accessing columns in multi-step prefetches
Christopher Heschong
chris at wiw.org
Sun Jan 28 22:28:46 GMT 2007
Nope. Person <--> Relations <--> Items is a many_to_many
relationship, so $thing->person->relations doesn't return just the
item I selected. Maybe that's what is complicating this.
I also tried adding:
\'item.title AS item_title'
to my select portion but that didn't work either (Can't locate object
method "item_title")
On Jan 27, 2007, at 3:03 AM, Peter Edwards wrote:
> So you have watching -> persons -> relations -> items
> Does $thing->person->relation->item->title work from the prefetched
> data if
> you turn DBIC_TRACE on?
> Regards, Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Heschong [mailto:chris at wiw.org]
> Sent: 27 January 2007 02:53
> To: dbix-class at lists.rawmode.org
> Subject: [Dbix-class] accessing columns in multi-step prefetches
> So I have this code:
> my $rs = $self->search_related('watching', {},
> {
> select => [
> { distinct => 'item.id' }
> ],
> prefetch => { person => { relations => 'item' } },
> join => {
> 'person' => {
> 'relations' => 'item'
> }
> },
> order_by => 'item.releasedate DESC',
> page => 1,
> rows => $count
> }
> );
> $thing = $rs->first;
> Which produces this SQL on trace:
> SELECT DISTINCT( item.id ), person.id, person.mtime, person.title,
> person.photo, person.refresh, relations.person, relations.item,
> relations.role, item.id, item.mtime, item.title, item.releasedate,
> item.type, item.manufacturer, item.asin, item.itms, item.photo,
> item.universal FROM watching me JOIN persons person ON ( person.id =
> me.person ) LEFT JOIN relations relations ON ( relations.person =
> person.id ) JOIN items item ON ( item.id = relations.item ) WHERE
> ( me.user = ? ) ORDER BY item.releasedate DESC, relations.person
> LIMIT 1: '1'
> What I can't figure out is how to display the 'item.title' field from
> the $thing object. All the person.* things are available, but not
> item.*
> $thing->person->title; # works
> $thing->item->title; # Can't locate object method "item"
> Do I need to do something different with my prefetch definition to
> get DBIx::Class to notice that I fetched the items table?
> Thanks!
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