[Dbix-class] find redux
Zbigniew Lukasiak
zzbbyy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 17:02:35 GMT 2008
On Feb 2, 2008 8:27 AM, Matt S Trout <dbix-class at trout.me.uk> wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 02, 2008 at 07:14:09AM +0100, Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
> > Hi Matt,
> >
> > Will I hear a 'thank you' from you? I mean I've spotted the bug, sent
> > test cases, analyzed the code and tried to explain how it happened
> > (perhaps that was not a good explanation - but a gifted programmer as
> > you should be capable of analyzing the code directly without my help),
> > and your answer was insults, false accusation and a threat to ban me
> > from this list. Is that encouraging other potential contributors? Is
> > that even sane? And this is not the first time that you funnel your
> > frustration at me because my remarks require some intellectual effort.
> > How dare I? How a mere luser dare to have remarks that require
> > intellectual effort from a code god like you?
> You spotted a bug and took a week of me poking you to provide a comprehensible
> explanation, in the meantime misreading the code and posting incorrect
> comments, posting 2 pages of "oh my god the sky is falling don't use half of
> DBIC" when it looked like you didn't get your way, were repeatedly utterly
> confusing ("my remarks require some intellectual effort" is a cute euphamism
> for "I utterly failed to communicate my meaning with any useful defree of
> clarity" but it's still a euphamism) and finally when I tried to get you on
> track refused twice to actually work within the framework set up so we could
> have a useful discussion.
> In fact, you didn't start being practically helpful until the threat to
> temporarily revoke your posting rights (which is not "banning you" by any
> means), at which point three emails later -I- finally managed a one-paragraph
> summary that you could have posted in the first place and avoided all the
> wasted time.
> Trying to get you to express your ideas clearly so we can actually have
> a discussion around them is not "funneling my frustration" at you. It's
> trying to get a useful technical discussion going so your efforts lead to
> improvement in the project rather than going to waste.
I think I know why my previous explanations can be found too complex.
This is because there are 3 points to consider and I was a bit
mixing those three things. I also did not know how much of the
current behaviour
is intended. This could come out a bit confusing - sorry
for that. Here is the list:
1. What can be done ( and I think we agree here) - and thus what
should be done (because you cannot put into the documentation a
sentence like that: "In 98% of cases find works like that: ... in the
other 2% ...", and listing all the cases can be impractical as well).
2. What to do with the compatibility. I've tried to work this point
as well - but I have no strong opinion here.
3. What to do with the *_or_* methods. This is a secondary problem,
because if find does not work in 100% cases then those methods will
neither. But if we agree with my proposed solution to point 1 - then
there will be additional problem with those methods, because find will
not return undef if there are not enough keys. There are some
workarounds, I suggested one (and by the way castaway had a similar
suggestion in: http://lists.scsys.co.uk/pipermail/dbix-class/2008-January/005509.html),
but there must be also others.
Finally I've found this email in the archives:
- apparently that guy had been bitten by this.
> I'm sorry you've taken it so personally but when you ignore polite requests
> and do respond to insults and threats, my choices are to insult and threaten
> you or to exclude you from the discussion - and I'm trying to avoid that
> last resort because your contributions have proved valuable.
> Thank you for all your effort on this, but -please- try and be more concise
> and precise next time round - a little more english composition effort on
> your part would have avoided all of this and we'd already be putting a dev
> release out with the fruit of your efforts in it :)
> --
> Matt S Trout Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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Zbigniew Lukasiak
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