[Dbix-class] Configuration query - Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema

Charlie Garrison garrison at zeta.org.au
Mon Jul 28 14:17:09 BST 2008

Good evening,

On 28/7/08 at 12:41 PM +0100, Dermot <paikkos at googlemail.com> wrote:

>I can't seem to find to a way to configure my connect_info or use the
>values from my Cataylst conf file which reads
>      driver dbi:SQLite
>      file __HOME__/motion.db
>Is there way to use the values from my conf file or a variable that
>will refer to the Cataylst root dir that DBIC::Schema will be aware

I think you're looking for:

    connect_info   dbi:SQLite:__HOME__/motion.db

Change Model::DBIC to match the name of your model.


   Charlie Garrison  <garrison at zeta.org.au>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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