[Dbix-class] DBIx::Class and hierarchy (trees)
jakac at iprom.si
Wed Jun 4 16:43:58 BST 2008
I also tried using DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList...
Using this module I defined my parent_id in my Users.pm schema like:
And then I can get all children of one user like:
my $user_id =3D 7;
my $thisuser =3D $c->model('MyDB::Users')->find({ user_id=3D> $user_id });
my $children =3D $thisuser->children();
But this gives me only a list of children one level under $thisuser and =
it's the same
as executing only:
my $children =3D $c->model('MyDB::Users')->find({ parent_id=3D> $user_id });
So it's no big deal.. Still this module is OK because it maintains =
consistency of the
tree when you delete one branch for example, but I still haven't found =
the solution I
need - listing all children in all levels under one parent as well as =
checking if
a single user is a (grand)parent who can edit a certain user...
When listing all children it would also be necessary if I could specify =
order (e.g. order by username)
and also limit and offset for pagination on website...
John Napiorkowski wrote:
> -
> You might want to look at: http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBIx-Class-Tree/
> Which is a bit of a different solution than the one you outlined, but I'v=
e personally had too much trouble with self-referential tables and prefer t=
his kind of solution. I find it's easier to descend through multiple level=
s without creating insane joins on joins.
> I know you are using postgresql, but there's a decent explanation of this=
method at: http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.=
> --John
> =
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