[Dbix-class] Replication Branch, Status and Call for Comments

Matt S Trout dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Sun Jun 8 19:04:34 BST 2008

On Sat, Jun 07, 2008 at 08:10:16AM -0700, John Napiorkowski wrote:
> Hi,
> So this is a call for comments on the outstanding replication_redux branch, which is scheduled to be merged back to trunk shortly.  This email is a summary of the features, differences from the existing version, and any issues or questions I am punting to the group.

No Moose please.

DBIx::Class uses two space indent, not four.

reload_row has to go - Storage never, -ever- sees a row object because that
implentation is designed to be pluggable (and there may not even -be- a
row object).

In any case, if I loaded something from a slave I might not want
discard_changes to go to the master - you need to find some other way of
specifying this. The only use case I can honestly see for this is when
you've -just- inserted the row, in which case the find() would happen inside
the transaction and should go to the master anyway.

      Matt S Trout       Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?
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