[Dbix-class] RFC - has_subset
Moritz Onken
onken at houseofdesign.de
Mon Mar 31 16:41:21 BST 2008
A boolean method which tells if arow is in a subset:
$row->subset (returns input or output)
Am 31.03.2008 um 13:45 schrieb Daniel Ruoso:
> Hi,
> I'm working on an application that have the following classes:
> TaskType --- has_many ---> TaskTypeFile
> but, that can actually be seen as two relationship types:
> ____ has_many { type => input } __
> / \
> TaskType TaskTypeFile
> \____ has_many { type => output }__/
> Or, this could be seen as:
> TaskTypeFile
> /\ /\
> | |
> is is
> | |
> InputFile OutputFile
> _______ has_many__/ |
> / |
> TaskType --------------- has_many ------/
> But one could see InputFile and OutputFile simply as a subset of
> TaskTypeFile, and once this is done, we can keep the simplicity of
> the first diagram, and filter on the TaskTypeFile as needed, which
> also
> enables the input/output view independent on the TaskType
> relationship.
> So, instead of doing
> $tasktypers->input_files
> $tasktypers->output_files
> I could do
> $tasktypers->files->input
> $tasktypers->files->output
> The major difference in that is that I can do
> my $rs = TaskType->find($id, { prefetch => 'files' });
> while ($rs->files->input) {...}
> while ($rs->files->output) {...}
> With a single query, as the input/output resultset would simply
> implement a filter on the previous resultset, while
> TaskTypeFile->input->search({ name => 'foo.txt' });
> would still be possible.
> So, the proposed interface is:
> __PACKAGE__->load_components( ... Subset ... );
> ...
> __PACKAGE__->has_subset('input', { type => 'input' });
> __PACKAGE__->has_subset('output', { type => 'output' });
> It would add that as a part of the where clause when no cache is
> present, and grep on the cache when already prefetched...
> I still didn't go through the coding, so, this is the time for any
> comments or tomatoes...
> daniel
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