[Dbix-class] Update All Related Tables

Ozum Eldogan ozum at proksima.com.tr
Thu Oct 16 12:01:29 BST 2008

I'm working on a simple bill recording system. A company may have many bills
and I want to update both company and a related bill with a single update
method call. 

Table: companies
package Schema::Company;
__PACKAGE__->has_many("bills", "Schema::Bill", { "foreign.company_id" =>
"self.id" });

Table: bills
package Schema::Bill;
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to("company", "Schema::Company", { id => "company_id"

For testing purposes I have only one company and several bills belongs to
that company. In my code I get a company and all bills via

my $rs = $app->schema->resultset('Bill')->search(
        'me.id'     => {'>', 0}
        join        => [qw/company/],
        prefetch    => [qw/company/],

my $record = $rs->next;

print $record->bill_description;           # prints 'Bill for development'
$record->bill_description('Service Bill');

print $record->company->name;              # prints 'Speed Inc.'
$record->company->name('Slow Inc.');

$record->update;                           # updates only bill
$record->company->update;                  # updates company

I want $record->update to update both bill and related company. In future I
may have lots of related tables and I don't want to iterate through and hand
code check and update all changed records. 

I searched all manuals, googled and researched this mailing list but
couldn't find a proper way or any method in DBIx::Class.

Any help is very appreciated.

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