[Dbix-class] "soft deletion"

fREW Schmidt frioux at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 19:49:08 GMT 2009

Hello friends!

I am sure there is a better term for this, I just don't know what it is.  I
would like for my database to have some type of removal field that would
effectively mark a row as deleted without deleting it.  I've seen ORMs that
do this before and I was wondering if DBIC did something or had support for
something like this.

To make myself more clear, I'd like either a binary flag or a date which
would probably be called deleted or date_deleted or is_deleted (feel free to
give input in this) and I'd like it not to show up in regular resultsets
unless I explicitly say I want to see the deleted rows.


-- =

fREW Schmidt
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