[Dbix-class] RFC: DBICx::Shortcuts
Pedro Melo
melo at simplicidade.org
Fri Feb 5 14:23:11 GMT 2010
On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Oleg Pronin <syber.rus at gmail.com> wrote:
> IMHO you are doing the right thing, but i can advice you a futher
> improvement and very important - perfomance boost for your module.
> You can do shorcuts shorter:
> in setup_finalize of Catalyst:
> foreach my $source ($schema->sources) {
> next unless index($source, '::') == -1;
> my $acc = "${source}RS";
> $c->mk_group_accessors(inherited => $acc) unless $c->can($acc);
> $c->$acc( scalar $schema->resultset($source) );
> }
> You gain very short accesors (which cannon conflict due to 'RS' suffix)
> for example
> $c->UserRS->single(...)
> $c->ChatMessageRS->search(...)
> Plus - such accessors works MUCH MUCH faster than $schema->resultset because
> ->resultset method generates new empty resultset every time and this
> operation is quite hard for DBIC (why???!!!).
> With this accessors all empty resultsets has been already generated on start.
So if I understood your suggestion, I would cache the empty resultset
and reuse it on each invocation.
I'll do that for the instance-based code I mentioned yesterday, but I
need to think how to do it properly for the class-based setup that I
have right now.
As for the code above, it bypasses nested sources. All my sources are
nested. Also the generated SourceRS methods are camel-cased, and I
prefer the lower-case, _-separated that my current code generates. Not
a technical reason, more of an aesthetic one.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Pedro Melo
xmpp:melo at simplicidade.org
mailto:melo at simplicidade.org
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