[Dbix-class] RFC: DBICx::Shortcuts
Oleg Pronin
syber.rus at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 14:05:47 GMT 2010
IMHO you are doing the right thing, but i can advice you a futher
improvement and very important - perfomance boost for your module.
You can do shorcuts shorter:
in setup_finalize of Catalyst:
foreach my $source ($schema->sources) {
next unless index($source, '::') == -1;
my $acc = "${source}RS";
$c->mk_group_accessors(inherited => $acc) unless $c->can($acc);
$c->$acc( scalar $schema->resultset($source) );
You gain very short accesors (which cannon conflict due to 'RS' suffix)
for example
Plus - such accessors works MUCH MUCH faster than $schema->resultset because
->resultset method generates new empty resultset every time and this
operation is quite hard for DBIC (why???!!!).
With this accessors all empty resultsets has been already generated on start.
2010/1/18 Pedro Melo <melo at simplicidade.org>:
> Hi,
> I've cleaned up and uploaded to CPAN a small module that I use a lot in my code.
> I got tired of writting
> $schema->resultset('Source')->....
> all the time, and I wrote DBICx::Shortcuts.
> You create a new class (I usually give it a very small name, like
> MyApp::S, tweak MyApp to taste), as a subclass of DBICx::Shortcuts and
> link it to a Schema class with a setup('MyApp::Schema') call.
> For each source, it creates a shortcut method in your class. So I can write:
> MyApp::S->source->...
> As a bonus, you can also call
> MyApp::S->source($id)
> as a shortcut to
> $schema->resultset('Source')->find($id)
> All other calls to the source() shortcut with parameters will end up
> as calls to search().
> Comments, suggestions?
> Bye,
> --
> Pedro Melo
> http://www.simplicidade.org/
> xmpp:melo at simplicidade.org
> mailto:melo at simplicidade.org
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