[Dbix-class] Call mysql stored procedure using Arbitrary SQL
through a custom ResultSource
Sung Gong
sung at bio.cc
Wed Dec 28 10:43:04 GMT 2011
Have you found the proper answer yet?
Googled but with no satisfactory answers to me except an advise of
redefining my stored procedure as suggested below:
However, still wondering it's possible to call the sp rather than redefining it.
Also found this:
but it looks a bit awkward.
On 19 October 2009 11:42, Arvind Singh <arvindsgulati at gmail.com> wrote:
> I created a stored procedure in mysql using
> CREATE PROCEDURE productpricing(in iskucode varchar(20))
> @qty := 0
> ;
> SELECT year_week, skucode, sold_this_week,
> @qty := sold_this_week +
> @qty as commulative
> FROM ( SELECT date_format(str_to_date(DATE, '%b %d %Y'),
> '%Y-%v') AS year_week, skucode, SUM(QtySold) AS sold_this_week
> FROM sales
> WHERE skucode=iskucode
> GROUP BY year_week
> ORDER BY year_week ASC
> )
> AS x
> ;
> go
> I want to access the result of the same in resultset and followed the
> instructions
> Sometimes you have to run arbitrary SQL because your query is too
> complex (e.g. it contains Unions, Sub-Selects, Stored Procedures,
> etc.) or has to be optimized for your database in a special way, but
> you still want to get the results as a DBIx::Class::ResultSet.
> This is accomplished by defining a ResultSource::View for your query,
> almost like you would define a regular ResultSource.
> at
> http://search.cpan.org/~ribasushi/DBIx-Class-0.08111/lib/DBIx/Class/Manual/Cookbook.pod#Arbitrary_SQL_through_a_custom_ResultSource
> with only major change as
> __PACKAGE__->result_source_instance->view_definition(
> q[call productpricing(?)]
> );
> Now when i try to access this class using
> $schema->resultset( 'UserFriendsComplex' )->search( {},
> ->search( {},
> {
> bind => [ $skucode ]
> }
> );
> I am getting a mysql error as dbix tries to call
> "SELECT * FROM (call productpricing(?)) me"
> Can anybody please guide me to proper way to call a mysql stored
> procedure using dbix.
> --
> Arvind Singh
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