[Dbix-class] deleting many-to-many relationship entries in one query

Leandro Hermida softdev at leandrohermida.com
Wed Jan 19 15:05:17 GMT 2011

Hi everyone,

Couldn't find the answer to this simple question.... maybe not looking in
the right place

I have a standard many-to-many setup:

person ------< person2address >------- address

And have defined it in the standard documented way with DBIC.  How do I in
my code, where I have an instance of the $person object and using
relationships, delete all this person's person2address entries in one query
without touching any addresses?

Not sure if I am using the right jargon when I said "using relationships"
like I saw in the manual, what I mean is that I feel this style:


is cleaner and more readable than this:

    person =3D> $person,

How would I do it with a many-to-many just to delete the relationship

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