[Dbix-class] DBIC Article in LXF
Benjamin Martin
benmartin at venda.com
Fri Oct 14 07:37:19 GMT 2011
excellent work Dave :)
I think it is brilliant that you took the time to let LXF know their
previous Perl article was less than perfect and then on top of that,
bested it with this very comprehensive and easy to follow article.
It always frustrates me that magazines like LXF have lots of Python
based tutorials etc, but never any Perl ones anymore.
In saying that I did notice that Linux Magazine had a recent article
about Moose, which was pleasing to see.
I think if the Perl world can keep making noise about the Modern
movement like this, more and more upcoming developers will see Perl as a
good option for new exciting projects.
.. even if it does go against the Perl Masons 1st rule ;) "sshhhhh...."
On 13/10/11 18:35, Dave Cross wrote:
> Linux Format (LXF) is a general purpose Linux magazine in the UK. It
> seems to be aimed at a largely non-technical audience.
> A few months ago, they published a really terrible Perl tutorial. I
> wrote and complained about it[1]. They offered me the chance to do
> better.
> LXF151 hits the shelves about now and it contains my article. It's a
> really simple introduction to DBIC.
> I'm not sure what the my re-publication rights are, but I've put the
> PDF online at http://dave.org.uk/LXF151.code_perl.pdf. If they
> complain, I may have to remove it.
> Hope you enjoy it.
> Dave...
> [1] http://perlhacks.com/2011/04/an-open-letter-to-linux-format/
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